artsy fartsy,  Bug,  movies,  my art is going to the dogs

the weekend round-up

flirting with Daddy 5

You guys were so right. It was just the transition stage that was hard. Now she’s taking one long nap at 1 o’clock and life is back to order. I’m so glad. I was really tearing my hair out there for a minute. I just needed to adjust my expectations. Now that I know I have to entertain her from 7-something in the morning until one in the afternoon, I am much better prepared. We have all kinds of fun things we do. Walks around the block, stickers, stories, lining up every single stuffed animal on the couch and counting them, coloring of course and on and on and on and on…

But then when she takes a nap, it is glorious ME time again! Sometimes TWO HOURS. I am so happy. I’ve been painting like a fool. Especially the fool part.

the latest batch

My confidence in my painting is getting better. I’m actually enjoying it. Almost more than blogging. Imagine that. Sometimes I get jealous of other blogs out there (because I’m shallow and competitive) and I worry that I don’t have much interesting content any more but then I think, that’s okay. I could just paint.

I can see myself becoming a full time painter someday. Can’t you just imagine me in paint splattered clothing and messy hair, rambling about nonsense while I order my coffee at the local coffee shop? I’ll be known as the local town freak and it won’t bother me a bit because I’ll always have my paints and my canvas and they speak to me in ways real people never would. I can grow old and crazy. That wouldn’t bother me a bit. Baby Bug might be embarrassed of me but that’s kind of a given anyway.

Enough about paintings. I uploaded a bunch of little shorts to vimeo. I love vimeo. It’s so much faster than Youtube and better quality too. Here is a funny one of Baby Bug using my phone. She’s quite the expert at talking on the phone. She copies me down to a T, even the way I walk away as soon as I get a call so I can have some privacy.

the phone from secretagentjo and Vimeo.

Here’s proof that Toby wears a purse.

Baby Purse, Daddy Purse from secretagentjo and Vimeo.

Here’s one where Baby Bug tries to sit on a teeny tiny vespa that is a magnet that I usually have on the fridge. She’s not supposed to play with these but as you can see we couldn’t resist letting her. We are such suckers.

Little Scooter from secretagentjo and Vimeo.

And lastly, here’s a collection of a bunch of clips showing Baby Bug being Baby Bug. She really is a lot of fun.

This little toddler we have from secretagentjo and Vimeo.

I hope I haven’t bored you to death with all the home movies.


  • Marilyn

    Ohmygod, the one where she walks away with the phone. Hilarious! (I can’t stop watching it.) Looking at all of these videos made me almost teary…seems like just the other day you were pre-Baby Bug and excited beyond belief about going to Paris. How quickly time flies…in a GOOD way.

    SAJ says: You are right. It seems like yesterday. And she is sooo much better than any of those ghost children I imagined.

  • Beth

    i was not bored at all! She is so much fun to watch! what a cutie-pie she is! She is a very special little girl! with very special parents…keep up the GREAT job! Thanks for sharing your happiness with all of us!
    “applaudes” your good effort

  • Julia

    I’ve been sitting here watching your videos with my 17-month-old sitting on my lap and she is SO ENTRANCED by watching Baby Bug. Too bad we’re on the other coast or they could be pals!

  • BeachMama

    Oh my word, so cute. Love the “Baby Purse, Daddy Purse”. J was laughing with all the videos. He loves watching your videos and looking at photos of BB. I always find it hard to answer when he asks if we can go play with her. Hmm.. well, her Mommy and I have never met and it would be a day long trip on an airplane, but one day maybe…

    And your painting is fantastic, it would be fun to be a full time painter for sure. You have so many creative outlets already, it would only seem natural that you added another.

  • stavroula

    Wow, those videos are GREAT! Ride that vespa, little toddler.
    The paintings are also very cool. I especially like the green dog sidled up to the coffee bar with a steaming cup. really really good!

  • Amanda

    I love it I love it! So cute!! The riding the vespa magnet video is HI-larious!! And the last video is great… what an awesome idea. I soo need to do that!

    I love this blog. You do a great job and Baby Bug is such a sweetie pie. And it is so refreshing to have “real” moms out there, not afraid to share both sides of the coin. You know what I mean?

  • andrea

    I love the new round of paintings. The dog with the steaming cup of coffee is great. I am so glad that you are gaining confidence in your ability, you really do such a great job!

    The videos are so cute as always. I love she and daddy with their purses. My 12 month old is sitting on my lap watching and laughing along.

    Glad the naps have worked themselves out. The transition seems like a painful period but once they get it figured out and are taking one long nap a day it must be great. I don’t know what I’ll do with all the time!

  • Jenifer

    I loved it all! Especially, dada pur and baby pur. HILARIOUS! She looks like a lot of fun and if you come to Houston, my offer to babysit still stands.

  • Marissa

    The daddy purse one is very cute – is the straw an imitation of something else daddy’s doing?
    I like her peek-a-boo voice too, big and scary! :)

  • cndycream

    I’ve never commented before…but wanted to say the videos are great keep them coming….soooo cool!!

  • Kami

    My 3 year old son laughed hysterically everytime BB said Boo in that last one!

    She is a darlin’!

    I also enjoyed Toby’s “purse”, what a great Daddy :-)

  • roz

    those videos are great! I’m sure she’ll treasure them when’s she older.

    I also think your paintings are great…very cute :)

  • pinky

    the paintings – I love them! I also love the little movies too – that’s quite a little person you’ve made there :-)

  • mcgee

    i say again, i can NOT get over the cuteness that is baby bug. thanks for bringing a smile to an otherwise blah monday morning.

  • Neil

    I think those videos are a lot of fun. Babies are much more fun when they are walking around doing things than just looking cute. I also liked looking inside of your home. There are toys everywhere! And are those two aquariums one on top of another?

  • Kim

    Oh! Oh my! She is so very cute! What a happy, lively personality. She looks like tons of fun. (Though I know there are days of pure terror, I *really, really* do.) She is just adorable. The phone thing is great – I love how she walks away and touches the things she walks by as she goes and then comes back as soon as she’s finished “talking.” So, So Cute!

  • OMSH

    Oh! She blew me a kiss! Did you see? A kiss JUST FOR ME.

    I love the toddler one especially.

    Tell Toby he’s slammin in his “Man bag.”

  • familymclean

    So cute! Kaitlyn does the same thing with the phone, she is like a mini me.

    I love how the paintings are coming along, the one with the orange dog on the green stripe background is my fave so far. So wish I cound come there!

  • bluejaye

    Oh my goodness!!!!! You had better scan all of these and make card of some kind. I want a whole series, blank on the inside. The yoga dog makes me laugh.

  • lolo

    delurking (for the first time ever!) to say that the painting of the green dog with the coffee mug is wonderful! (also, I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now and your daughter is absolutely adorable! I’ve wanted to comment before, but this delurking thing is difficult to start…

  • aimee/greeblemonkey

    I totally hear you on the transition from 2 naps to 1. It’s kind of bittersweet. We had the same thing when we lost the nap entirely. I was like, UM, hello!!! I *need* that rest time! But then we realized we could actually go places. ALL DAY.

    And I hear you on the blogging/painting thing too. I feel like that sometimes, moreso about my photography… but have I ever mentioned I got through fits and bursts of painting too? I should show em to you sometime and see what you think.

    And hrm hrm, ETSY ETSY ETSY?

  • Island Mummy

    That is so hilarious! My toddler is just over 16 months and doing much the same things… She is OBSESSED by phones, everything is a phone, especially remote controls, and she does the walking away too, paces the living room talking into her “phone”.

    She is not talking quite as clearly as Baby Bug yet, but she is trying out every new word she hears…

    The long nap is the best thing ever…

  • comfortablycrazy

    you know you’re going to be crazy when get old, why wait. and you messy, not gonna happen. I very clearly remember hearing, “where did that come from, that wasn’t there ten minutes ago?!”, a few weeks ago while out and about.

  • Nila

    Those videos are great. I can’t believe that BB is so toddler like. It seem like just yesterday I was reading about her birth. Now look at her, climbing all over the place. You are in so much trouble. That adorable little girl is going to keep you on your toes for a long time.