• Moody Blues,  Stealthy Spy Cooking

    I’m so glad yesterday is over.


    Yesterday was not a very good day for me. This morning I walked down to the foggy socked-in beach and thought about it. The beach is a good place to sit and think. I really like it when it’s foggy. Somehow when the weather matches my mood, I end up feeling better. I would have sat there and thought about why yesterday was so awful for a long time but Baby Bug wanted to run down to the water and get her long pants all wet. There is not much time for feeling sorry for yourself when you are a mom. Not unless you want to lay awake at night and stare at the ceiling. I prefer to fall asleep.

    I don’t really feel like blogging about it. It’s just the same old stuff that doesn’t deserve attention. Especially when I have so much to be thankful for.

    As an after-thought, I could mention that Baby Bug has reached that stage where she says, “mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy…” over and over and over and over all day long. This is not what made me have a bad day but it did sort of drive me bananas. Is this normal? Why does she do this? It’s almost as if she can tell that something is not right and she has to check in with me every second to make sure I’m okay.

    I sure hope today is better.

    my chocolate sand castle cake

    Hey! In other news, I baked a cake! A sand castle cake. My northern California mother-in-law sent me this neat castle cake pan in the mail. It came with this really neat picture of a sand castle cake made out of lemon cake with lots of crumbly sugar all around it making it look just like a sand castle. But I’m the box mix sort of baker and all I had was a chocolate mix so I made a “freshly dusted with snow castle” cake. It was fun. Now I’m just trying to get rid of it. Anybody want to come over and have a slice of gable?