Bug,  Family Matters,  movies,  Niece-com-poops,  party party,  the sticks

Party in the Sticks!

Sticks Sticks Sticks… I know, it seems like I just got back from the sticks yesterday and here we are back again. We’re here for a good reason though. My brother and his wife are celebrating their ten year anniversary this Saturday (tomorrow! eeek!) with a big huge wedding-esque party (because they never really had a wedding the first time—they eloped) and of course I have been enlisted to help out. How could I not? My middle name is party prep.

Which is a good thing since my niece, Rapunzel, is turning nine on Monday and my sister-in-law hosted a sleep-over birthday party for her tonight. I haven’t really done much to help besides eat more than my share of pizza and cupcakes but it has been fun to be in the middle of it all. Baby Bug is having the time of her life of course. She thinks she’s one of the girls and has been running and screaming though the house just like them. Next thing I know, she’ll be playing truth or dare and putting on sparkly eye shadow. Yikes! What a thought.

Sigh… but not yet.

Just yesterday Baby Bug had her first sprinkler experience. It was so fun. “Wha-whoo! Wha-whoo!” she says, trying to get closer and closer to it but not understanding why she’s getting wetter and wetter. I love seeing the world through her eyes. I made a little movie (2.3 megs quicktime) with my Dad’s camera so you can pretend to be one again too. This is for you Auntie Knittery. It also has a big clip of SuperChic in it and I can’t take credit for knowing what a clavicle is. I learned it the same way SuperChic will learn… from Auntie Tickle tickling it.


  • margalit

    I got a little tear in my eye watching that. Shoe. Shoe. Waa–wa. Oh my god, that is the cutest baby on the planet. I want to be her honorary east coast grandma!

    LOVE the pick of her waving with that hand filled with chocolate mush. Classic. And the pony tail. Could she Get Any Cuter?

  • LVGurl

    Happy 16 month birthday little bug!!

    And re: earlier post, that’s is a truly impressive vocabulary she has.

    This current post makes me excited for when my girls have slumber parties! Though, I wonder if little girls still freeze bras…

  • BeachMama

    Oh the ponytail in BB’s hair is so cute. And Rapunzel got a ‘spycam’ for her birthday? Was that from her Auntie?

    Have fun with the party today, it sounds like your brother and SIL deserve a little celebration for their 10 years married.

    Hope all goes as planned.

  • alfredsmom

    I love those sprinkler pics! So adorable! How much does Baby Bug weigh? If you dont mind me asking. I only ask because I have a tiny one too. 11 months old and 14 lbs.

    SAJ says: She just turned 16 months and she weighs 17.5 pounds. She’s a lightweight for sure. Not even on the charts. But that’s okay, she comes from a long line of little babies. I was small too. Small but mighty!