Family Matters,  movies,  Niece-com-poops,  party party,  the sticks

Rapunzel’s Tenth Birthday Party

birthday girl

My niece, Rapunzel (not her real name) is turning ten on Memorial Day but nobody ever can come to her party on Memorial Day so she had her birthday party today. Most of her class couldn’t come today either but that’s because unbeknownst to us, another boy in her class had a pool party at the exact same time. Pool parties seem to trump everything when you’re ten.

the crew

Nevertheless, I think the party was a huge success! I’m starting to think I like smaller parties better anyway. You get more time to play games and interact with all the kids. The children who came are the same kids who came last year and the year before. They’re keepers. I hope she stays friends with them forever.

festive lanterns

We didn’t go crazy with decorations or party games. We could have but time sort of ran out. My sister-in-law, CC, was going to make malasadas (Hawaiian potato doughnuts) but they fell by the wayside and were not missed a bit.

the spread

CC made her famous bundt cake (It’s so yummy! The recipe is on her blog) and we decorated it like an island. I’m particularly proud of the palm trees. They are pirouette cookies stuffed with apple flavored sour punch straws on one end. Getting the “foliage” to stay in the pirouette cookies wasn’t exactly easy but some thread and a toothpick seemed to do the trick. The sand or “coral pebbles” are just rice crispies and the “lava” is chocolate ganache.

Hello Kitty boogie board

Besides more food than we could ever possibly eat, there were more presents than anybody could ever want. I didn’t include any pictures but I’m sure CC will link some later. My niece now has enough clothes now to go a whole year without ever wearing the same outfit twice. Yeah, I’m jealous. But she’s been growing a lot so this is a good thing. I remember those tween years well. I think a lot of clothes would have made it a lot easier for me back then. Don’t even get me started on the homemade jumpers my mom used to make me wear.

birthday party obstacle course from comfortablycrazy on Vimeo.

It was a really fun party. Especially the obstacle course. I was supposed to make a mermaid tail for the kids to jump in gunny-sack-style but I sort of forgot to get around to that. I don’t think anyone noticed. We found an out-of-date mail bag in the ever-present junk pile that is my mom’s carport. I know. Who has mail bags sitting around? Apparently we do. Along with everything else under the sun. But that’s another blog post.

For now we are going to sit around and be fat and happy that another party is in the can. The mess will still be there tomorrow.


  • Susie

    That video made me cry. Also? How the heck did Rapunzel get so old?

    I’ve said this before, but you have such a lovely family. You all seem so in love with each other — I find it truly touching.

  • ninabi

    What beautiful party food. How clever those palm trees are. The colors seem so rich, so saturated.

    Turning 10 is a very big deal- the first double digit birthday! I’m so glad Rapunzel had a good time and got lots of new duds.

    SAJ, I too had a mother that made me wear handmade jumpers and elastic waist bell bottoms. Instead of looking cool, I looked like a pair of drapes. Complete with pom pom trim and/or rick rack. Shudder!

  • Jennifer

    What a fun party. I loved the video. Obstacle courses are the best. I really like the first picture of Rapunzel with her bday cake. She looks so happy.

  • BeachMama

    Once again, you guys rock the party scene. And I have always felt that less is better, that’s why they (who ever ‘they’ are) have that ratio, as many kids as the years your child is. And once, just once, I would love to attend one of your parties, even if I am just hiding in the background watching.

  • a madhouse wife

    That cake rocks! It looks so cool with the candles lit up on it. I’m happy to see that I’m not the only one who takes photos of tablescapes.

    I had some homemade outfits that were real doozies too. My mom was a big fan of “chambray.”

  • April

    That food looks delicious!

    Happy birthday to Rapunzel! How lucky she is to have a nice group of friends.

  • amyinbc

    My daughters have a friend whose birthday falls this weekend and she too has always had a problem with the timing. The first long weekend up here is cherished and many people go away or have plans. I’m glad your niece had a great party, you are all so creative with your decorations and themes! Very impressive and so nice to see.

  • Annabanana

    What fun! Gosh I have missed you! My head stuck in the paint here with no end in sight.
    No one to blame though, I prayed and He answered with a dumping upon dumping of orders.
    The cards are so stellar, people are raving!

    Back to the post….the mail bag cracked me up. That would totally sound like my family. Somewhere there is always something stashed because we might find a use for it someday.

  • Gingermog

    This is a great birthday video, I am sat here with a big grin on my face. Looks like the kids had a good time and they seem so free jumping around in the sack race, just like kids should be. I’m always bowled over by the amount of land and space your mum and dad have. Think I’ve been living in the city too long :)

  • Susan too

    I love love love the first picture of Rapunzel… what’s really important is that you always take the time to be involved in her life. It looks like a great party!

  • chelsie

    Wow. That first phot of Rapunzel and the cake looks like it totally captured the spirit of a gal of ten years… she has a look on her face that’s pure childhood joy with a tinge of grown-up wisdom… that’s a great photo. Much more than just a photo of an event, really… thanks for sharing!