• Bad Mom,  Bug,  Family Matters,  painting,  Super Dad


    a new easel!

    It’s been like Christmas here lately. Every day we’ve been getting new things. Some things, like this easel, I bought but most everything else has come in the mail. We are one bunch of spoiled brats when it comes to getting fun things in the mail. And most of those fun things come from you guys! So thanks a lot you spoiling spoilers!

    Just kidding. Of course we LOVE snail mail and I will try to blog about each little wonderful thoughtful thing we have so generously received but it’s going to take some time because, did I say it already? WE ARE SPOILED!!!! And we’ve gotten a lot of things!

    While we are on the subject of spoiling, I should add that Toby wasn’t very happy with me regarding the purchase of this easel for Baby Bug. He is away on another business trip and you know how it goes, when the cat’s away the mice will play! By playing, I mean painting of course.

    painting flurry

    I’ve had it in my head to paint several paintings while he is gone. It’s so much easier to paint and make a mess when he is not around to get after me about cleaning up. Toby hates clutter and while I’m not a very cluttered person in general, I am very cluttery when I’m in the middle of a project. My motto is: I make BIG messes but I clean them up in a big way!

    So anyway, I had it in my head that if I got Baby Bug her own easel then she might leave my paints alone. “Ha ha, very funny” you say? It was a thought. I don’t know how well it will work. As you can see I need very little justification to go out and buy Baby Bug something neat and fun to play with. Especially when it only costs twenty bucks! How could I not buy it! Of all people who should have an easel, I think Baby Bug should have one. Right? Right!


    Toby does not think so. You know why? Because he thinks she is spoiled. He thinks that she will not feel her talents as an artist are special (Don’t you love how we already assume she is a talented artist?) because she has everything any artist could ever want before she is even old enough to realize that these things are special. He thinks that she doesn’t care where she colors or paints. She draws on the wall, the couch, the floor, on paper, not on paper… etc etc. What’s going to make an easel special to a two-year-old?

    finger painting with watercolors

    Bah Humbug. So maybe he has a point. But this is also coming from the guy who doesn’t think she needs a puppy or a goldfish either. Cold-hearted, I say!

    I guess we just have different ways of looking at things. I’m a little short-sighted, thinking about how I am going to get through the day and keep my little busy bee occupied. Toby is thinking of her career as an artist. I say, the easel won’t hurt but maybe I’ll hold off on buying her a laptop. She can use mine. (!)

    Toby comes from a very different childhood than I did. I was smothered with gifts even when my parents couldn’t afford them. I remember photos of me at birthday parties sitting in the middle of mountains of presents. Do I remember any of those presents specifically? Maybe. Not really.

    Does Toby remember his presents? Yes. When he was ten (not two), his dad gave him a single-reflex camera. I don’t think it was anything fancy. Just an old beat-up Pentax (correct me if I’m wrong Ponnays… Toby is out of phone distance) but that camera was everything to Toby. It still is.

  • artsy fartsy,  crazy stuff,  illos,  Niece-com-poops,  party party

    Party On!


    Here’s something I haven’t done in a while, an illo! Remember the good old days when I used to draw silly little cartoons all the time? Sigh…Those were the golden oldies. Maybe those days will come back again when Baby Bug is in school or something.

    Anyway, this illustration is actually for an invitation for my niece’s tenth birthday party that is coming up in May. She is getting so big. My sister-in-law, CC, is planning an under-the-sea party for her and I am very excited about it. As you know under-the-sea parties can be quite fun.

    We still have all the decorations left over from that baby shower we did way back in 2006 so we are dragging them out of the great storage shed that is my mom’s house and recycling! My niece doesn’t mind a recycled party idea at all. CC is doing all the work this time though. I’m just in charge of invitations and maybe a pin-the-tail-on-the-mermaid-game or something fun like that.

    mermaid invite

    I decided (and I got CC’s okay) that I will share with you guys. Yay! Free stuff! Maybe somebody out there needs an under-the-sea party invitation? Today is your lucky day! You can download a free pdf here. I’m also thinking of putting some up in my etsy shop later if anybody doesn’t want to print them out on their home printer because it is out of toner AGAIN or something. (Don’t you hate that? Toner is such a scam.)

    party girl

    This also made me think of another idea. What if we had a party-planning problem write-in day? You could send me an email about a party that you are planning and I will blog about it. Maybe I’ll come up with some ideas for those of you who need them. Maybe now and then I’ll make a free downloadable invite. Then we can get readers’ ideas too. How fun will that be?!! Almost as fun as Hair Thursdays except for people like me who forget about doing their hair in the morning because they are off and running with some other hair-brained (pun intended) idea.

    I just haven’t thought of a good name for this hair-brained idea. I don’t think it’s something I can do every week, so I don’t need a name that goes with a day like “Soiree Sunday” or anything (though that does have a nice ring to it). Anybody have any ideas? Feel free to chime in with under-the-sea ideas too. It’ll be a group effort!