artsy fartsy,  Bug,  illos,  Secret Spy Stuff

E is for Elephant and F is for FISHY!

E is for Elephant

E is for elephant and egg and and “elemenno” which Baby Bug thinks is a letter in the alphabet (instead of “L M N O”) and Elmo and a bunch of other stuff too. I’m picking things that Baby Bug says commonly. They might not make sense to everybody but she is my number one customer right now.

F is for Fishy!

F is for Fishy of course! I wanted to do feet because Baby Bug is REALLY into feet and shoes and putting shoes on her feet AND my feet. She is obsessed with shoes actually. I think S will have to be shoes. But I decided “Fishy” is important too. We make fish sounds around here a lot. (The open close mouth sound).

That’s the sound of the air in my head thinking.

You can download your letters of the day here Oh no! You missed the free download. Stay tuned though. They will be for sale in my shop some day.


  • andrea from the fishbowl

    I think every kid has their own personal alphabet. My daughter Emma used to sing it this way:

    A B C D E F G, H I J K EMMA EMMA PEE (instead of L M N O P).

    She’s eight now but it still cracks me up. I think we’ll be telling this story at her wedding.

  • SmocknMama

    Yes, yes, I don’t know what happened to elemennOpee at our house – I mean he moved away one day and made me sad, but the letter that comes after V starts with a D.

  • Shannan

    Thanks so much for these! I just printed out E and F and my daughter is smiling like a loon!!!!! Now I just need to glue them to some heavy duty cardboard so she doesn’t eat them (she’s 11.5 months) !!

  • Audrey

    I LOVE these alphabet cards! I have been printing them out and plan on putting them on some poster board and laminating them so that they are a bit stiff — I anticipate that they will get a lot of use in the near future!! (My munchkin is five months old, but it’s never too early to start learning the alphabet, right?)

  • commonplaceiris

    I came here via ParentDish. These alphabet cards are great (I’m going to play along and download them, but would love to buy them all made up some day – I mean who knows when I’ll actually find time to print them out and mount them up myself?!). My daughter’s 13 months old (not sure how old Baby Bug is) and also loves feet, or at least things that go on them. We actually have to hide most of our shoes from her since she likes to chew on them and rip the insoles out. She doesn’t care for things ON her feet though, she’s taken to asking for her socks on just so that she can pull them off and throw them away. (F would probably be fishy for us too if I had the time and skills to do something like this.)