• artsy fartsy,  Bug,  illos

    I is for Ice Cream but what is J for?

    I is for Ice Cream!

    The letter “I” was easy. Ice Cream! Baby Bug must point at our big red refrigerator about a thousand times a day and say, “I-keam?”

    But “J” has got me stumped. I know, stumped already whatever am I going to do when I get to “Q” and “X”? Well, ask you guys of course. I wanted to illustrate “J is for Jump” but it needs to be something more than just the letter “J” jumping. I was thinking jelly bean or jaybird but I’m not sure. I’m not too keen to introduce yet another sweet to the collection as they are already becoming a problem and Baby Bug doesn’t even know what jaybird is yet. We don’t have them here. At least I don’t think so. Maybe I’m thinking of the bluejay. Hmm… not sure.

    Anybody have a good “J” subject? I’m all ears. I’ll put up the downloadable pdf when I have a J card. Coming soon… I hope.