• artsy fartsy,  Bug,  illos,  Secret Spy Stuff

    E is for Elephant and F is for FISHY!

    E is for Elephant

    E is for elephant and egg and and “elemenno” which Baby Bug thinks is a letter in the alphabet (instead of “L M N O”) and Elmo and a bunch of other stuff too. I’m picking things that Baby Bug says commonly. They might not make sense to everybody but she is my number one customer right now.

    F is for Fishy!

    F is for Fishy of course! I wanted to do feet because Baby Bug is REALLY into feet and shoes and putting shoes on her feet AND my feet. She is obsessed with shoes actually. I think S will have to be shoes. But I decided “Fishy” is important too. We make fish sounds around here a lot. (The open close mouth sound).

    That’s the sound of the air in my head thinking.

    You can download your letters of the day here Oh no! You missed the free download. Stay tuned though. They will be for sale in my shop some day.

  • Bug,  my art is going to the dogs,  Shop Talk

    The Baby Bug Channel

    Channel Baby Bug

    Hi! Did you want to tune into Channel Baby Bug? Hah Hah. Well, there you go.

    pink dog, deconstructed

    Flipping over to the SUMMER IS GOING TO THE DOGS channel, I finished this pink dog! It’s called, “Pink Dog, Deconstructed” but you can call her “Armadillo Dog”, everybody else is. Or “Icky Mauve Dog” for those of you who hate mauve.

    I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of painting dogs. I finished up TWO today and am in the middle of a very very cool TOP SECRET painting that I’m not going to show you on this blog BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO COME TO THE SHOW and see if for yourself. It’s really neat with a light feature! After the show, I’ll put pictures up here but not until then.

    Oh you wanted to watch the Baby Bug Channel and you are tired of that other silly dog channel? Hmmmmf. Well. Okay. We’ll compromise. It’s Baby Bug AND Dog Prints on the BABY BUG DOG CHANNEL!

    digital test prints

    Baby Bug is helping with the framing of the dog digital prints. Notice how they are in the middle of the coffee table. That’s because when I lined them up on the floor, she thought they were blocks and promptly knocked them over and then tried to stack them. So if they have a few nicks in the frames, you can blame Baby Bug.

    It’s amazing what cheap IKEA frames can do to your art. It makes crappy ink jet print outs on cheap office paper look all puurty and stuff. These are not the final prints. I’m just trying to make up my mind what I’m going to frame… When I decide, I’ll print them on really nice archival paper and have a pro do it for me.

    The show is only eight days away. I’m SOOOOOOO excited!

    p.s. letters coming later.