artsy fartsy,  my art is going to the dogs,  raving lunatic rant

bitten by the painting bug


I must be insane. All I want to do is paint. All I want to talk or blog about is paintings and I think I’m driving everyone around me insane too.

I am actually trying to decide whether to go the sticks right now. Where it’s 105 in the shade…I am nuts! Who wants to go to the desert during a heat wave? But they do have a.c. (which I don’t, pant pant gasp!) and my mom will be there with open arms to hold the wiggling Bug.

I’m having a war in my head because I cannot figure out if I’ll get more painting time at my mom’s, where she will watch Baby Bug while I paint, OR if it’s better to stay home and take advantage of the one big long nap of the day. If I drive to the sticks, that nap will be used up in the car where I cannot paint! I have a bunch of other reasons to go to the sticks and a bunch of reasons to stay (like the first is tomorrow and somebody needs to do the bookkeeping and online bill paying) but of course the painting factor is the loudest.

Paint! Paint! Paint!

I want to paint everything! Even the noisy gardener guy outside with his two stroke leaf blower. I would make him as an evil dog with beady eyes and flaming lighting bolts coming out of his blow tube.


  • DeeJay

    do it do it do it

    Paint the evil gardener guy because I think it would be a kind of therapy for you!

    Love the new pups. What a proud mom you must be!

  • bluejaye

    Tell me again what you are doing with all these paintings. I’ve forgotten. Are they auctioning them or will they be for sale at the dog store?

    SAJ says: I think they are going to show them and then they will be for sale later at the dog store. But I actually don’t know, really. I’ll have to ask.

  • BeachMama

    Paint, paint, paint. Where ever you are happiest. All the rest will work out in the end.

    And do paint the evil leafblower guy, it would be so much fun to see the end result.

  • Kuky

    That is so cool that you want to paint all the time. I haven’t painted in ages. And I’m worried what to do with Isabelle. Oh wait you said you paint while Baby Bug is sleeping. Or do you paint with her awake too?

  • m

    I am the same way whenever I start painting, but I always seem to fall away from the habit again for a time. But when I start again, I don’t want to stop. I have so many different subjects I want to paint and different ideas to try out. It’s sort of like books, there are so many of them and just not enough time in life to read all the ones I want. And you’re totally right, you can really see your improvement in painting. And overall it’s easy to see if you’ve done a good job or not. That’s one reason I get a different sort of satisfaction from drawing and painting than I do from writing (which I really love too but in a very different way than painting.) It will be nice to see photos from your show, and to see all these paintings together in one place. I’m sure it will look amazing.