Today was a ton better.
There’s something to be said for routine. Today was laundry day and even though I hate doing laundry, it is comforting to have something go as you plan it. Even if it is just laundry.
Thank you everybody for your cheering-up comments. You definitely helped.
bethany actually
Aww, look at BB’s cute little feet. Her shoes kinda match your Chinese Laundry ones! Glad you are feeling better today. :-)
Jenn Bo
Those shoes are adorable!
I was gonna say the same thing as BA, too funny. And I have to say, seeing you get out to do your laundry makes me feel shameful about complaining about doing mine in my own basement. I need to go down there now….not whining, really.
Lol I have missed the laundry posts! I actually miss people watching at the laundrette, although having a washing machine is a great convenience. Doing the laundry used to be a good excuse to hole up for a hour and a half with a book and indulge. I used to live above a laundrette owned by two Irish men. Great characters. The lower part of the house smelt of washing powder which was much better than my brother in law’s who’s flat was above a kebab shop. Eww!
P.s I first thought those were your feet and that the washing machine was humungous. Duh!
have a great
just know this
yr a fabulous woman!
and mama!
and artist!
i love your shoe shots! you are very creative! i also like shoes! hmmm can’t seem to go wrong with any of this!
thank heavens for a routine!
enjoy your day
Yay routine! I love routine. But you knew that.
Glad your day was better. I love that shot, too :)
I had to look closely to tell who’s shoes those were. Great shot!!
sometimes i find that stuff like doing laundry and cleaning can be hugely therapeutic. hang in there, keep moving forward, all will be well.
Amanda Brown
Whenever you do a laundry post I remember about that one time you went to the laundromat when Baby Bug was just a wee little baby and she was wearing those adorable little socks that looked like Mary Jane shoes. I was pregnant at the time and I remember looking sooo forward to meeting my girl and taking her on the daily outings of our routine. :)
Rote chores can sooth the soul. Perhaps I will do my laundry tonight. (No, I’m not wearing the same shirt as yesterday – why do you ask?)
Nothing like a little laundry to set things right with the world. I see you have your cards at Etsy, I am off to check them out!!
I totally agree… there’s something to be said about routine.
I love mommy versions of shoes on little baby feet :o) BA is right! They do look like yours, SAJ! Glad you are feeling better :o)
She Likes Purple
Maybe if I had just one day for laundry it wouldn’t overtake our house, all the time, around the clock.