• artsy fartsy,  illos,  Shop Talk

    a coloring book, perhaps?

    Baby Bug is helping

    I’m working on putting together a little coloring book for my etsy shop or maybe just a free download for you guys. I know everyone likes free stuff and I’m a little tired in the shipping-and-receiving department so maybe I’m leaning toward a pdf. I like to keep my shop fresh but I’m just not so great at shipping.

    Thankfully no one has given me bad feedback (yet) but I’ve had two shipments get lost in the mail, one not get sent at all because I was waiting for the pay pal email to come through and it never did (probably something wrong with my email) and a couple of other orders I shipped twice! How hard can it be? Apparently too hard for a nincompoop like me.

    Not sure. What are your thoughts?