Beach Bits,  Bug,  out out out of the house!

Hello Beach!


Today the sun came out. We haven’t been to the beach (our beach) since before we left for vacation. It’s been calling to me, saying, “Come and see me! I’m changing colors and you are not here to record it. Do you not love me anymore?” But every day has been cold and wet and before I know it, too dark to be walking around.

SO TODAY we went! Today we visited our friend the beach and it was good.

so happy, it's contagious

the sun feels good

The sun felt so good I was glad we skipped our morning cartoons. I didn’t care that I didn’t take time to pick up every single toy off the floor before we rushed out. I didn’t even care that I was wearing the same clothes I slept in and wore the day before. Disgusting I know but well… I have no excuse. I just know I feel a lot better about making excuses for my slovenliness than I do about making excuses for living at the beach and not visiting the beach.

digger bug

"blowing out the candles"

We built some castles and made a sand cake. Baby Bug is really into birthdays. She’s been singing “Happy Birthday” since her cousin’s birthday in November. We are all quite familiar with the “blowing out the candles” routine. So that was kinda fun to do with sand. We should be very very good at it by the time we have a real cake next Wednesday.

just another magic day at the beach

It was just really really nice. Baby Bug was having so much fun digging and being free, she could have stayed there for hours. I actually found myself taking pictures of my shoes and grains of sand just to keep myself occupied. I didn’t want to rush her home when she was having so much fun. I should have brought a book and let her play and play and play.

Now that it’s gray and cold again, I’m thinking I should have just laid there on the sand and taken a little half nap (you know with one eye open on Baby Bug of course). Who knows when it will be pretty like this again. The water was so clear and glassy. That hardly ever happens after a big rain storm. Usually it’s muddy and brown.

Who knows. I’m just glad I was there to record it.

an N (backwards)

And Baby Bug is just glad she had some space to practice her secret ninja sword stick moves.

We love the beach.


Kiss kiss.

(more pictures here)


  • Assertagirl

    Beautiful! And staying in those clothes isn’t disgusting if it means you have your priorities straight! The weather was really mild here yesterday, too, and I took some time to wander around our back yard and smell that green smell.

  • BeachMama

    Thank you for those photos. I can almost feel the sun on my face. If I lived near the beach I too would be out before a shower. Actually every time I visit the beach in the summer, showers don’t happen until the afternoons. Despite our unusually warm temperatures, I am missing the warm sun. I just keep telling myself it won’t be long. Enjoy that beautiful ocean and sand.

  • Gretchen

    ” I didn’t even care that I was wearing the same clothes I slept in and wore the day before.” Um. I won’t tell you how many times I do that!

    Love the pictures!

  • amy

    so awesome you guys have that to go to
    a magical place
    wonderful memories for her
    much better than my concrete and starbucks near my pad :)

  • Super Sarah

    I LOVE the kiss, kiss, I have been trying to capture one of Amy doing it but she always follows through with a big sloppy smacker on my lens! I think your pjs vs. the beach should be a new years resolution that I am going to adopt. We live about half an hour from the beach and instead of flopping around watching ANTM in yesterdays loungewear, I am going to get up and go!

  • Monica

    OK, so I’m not the only one who has been known to sleep in my clothes and then wear them a second day. Good to know. Gross? Yes. Worst thing in the world? No. Worth it when the kiddos are keeping us too busy to care? Absolutely.

    Your daughter is just beautiful.

  • Scarlett

    HI i haven’t left a comment in a long time, but i’m always here.

    that bug, she is one beautiful love baby! wow. how wonderful you have this beauty right there in your backyard!!! good for you! you give her such great experience. she is going to be one beautiful, well rounded, well traveled, smart little girl!

    best wishes for ya’ll in 2008!!!

  • OMSH

    I am sending BB big hugs and big kisses. That beach day is just what I need.

    I’m glad you got out – mucky from the day before or not…it looks glorious!

  • Michelle in Cincinnati

    *Kiss* *Kiss* for BB – She is the cutest! The pic of her erasing your hard drive is hysterical too! Weather’s been mild here…..I’m waiting for Mother Nature to get her groove on and dump mountains of snow here (6 inches is a mountain here)…yes we are snow wimps :o)

  • FireMom

    Sometimes it’s okay to rush out and just enjoy the day. Or, that’s what I told myself today with a living room toy explosion behind me as I shut the door. ;)

  • Uncle George

    Great pics, Jo…Love all the beach shots. Some of my fondest memories are time I spent on the beach with my mom when I was her age. She’ll remember when she’s my age.

  • august

    awww, I love your pictures. I live on the beach too (sorta, it’s actually right across the street from me) and when I do go over there, I tell myself I’m going to do it everyday. The kids love it. I love it. I am not a huge fan of cleaning sand out of every crevice though and maybe that’s why I don’t stick to my everyday aspiration. Your pictures though have inspired me once again and also reminded me to pull out my camera more. Thanks girl.