artsy fartsy,  my art is going to the dogs

the left behinds

Baby Bug inspects the paintings that came back home

I brought my remaining dog paintings home from the Surf Dog Market yesterday. The Surf Dog Market is closing it’s Redondo Beach location so my paintings need a new place to go live. Somehow the remaining ones look really really sad without all their companion paintings.

I think I have homes for the two big ones but if anybody really really really wants the smaller ones I could probably be convinced to send them to you for the cost of shipping. Or I might just paint over them. I think the little little ones wanted to be painted over. They want to be the story behind the painting. So somebody can say, “This painting used to be “Cool Paw Luke” but now it’s bla bla bla….” I don’t know. It kinda adds to the fun of paintings when they have a long story to go with them.

little hands

My favorite painting didn’t sell. I thought it would be a big hit with it’s light feature but maybe it’s just an eyesore. I still really like it. I’m going to give it to my brother. I know he’ll put it up in his bedroom, next to the eleventy-seven other reject paintings I’ve given him over the years. That’s what’s great about family. They like what you paint no matter what it is.

blue coyotes

Edited to add:

These are the paintings that are still available:

hippo dog

cool paw luke

'scuse me dog


puffy parlor dog

white dog

and the blue coyote one pictured at top. Click on them for more details.


  • Neysa

    I just wanted to say that I look forward to reading your blog everyday. It makes me feel good that I’m not the only Mom out there with the goofiness going in my head and my world! Your Baby Bug is adorable and the pictures you post of her give me inspiration to take more natural photos of my own 2 daughters. I have stopped having them pose all the time and just let the picture happen. I am not a professional photographer, but that has always been my dream job! You are a very talented photographer and you have an eloquent way of putting your thoughts in writing. Thanks for making each day brighter!

    SAJ says: Thank you! I’m so bad at responding to comments like this. But thank you! They make me feel all warm and fuzzy all over. :)

  • Lori/lorimo

    I really like both of those large paintings that did not sell, especially the one with the lights. I am very surprised that someone didn’t snatch it up right away. I think it is actually my favorite painting of all the ones that I have seen that you have posted here. I know it is hard to keep positive about your own work, but I think you are absolutely wonderful!

  • Bethany Actually

    Isn’t that funny how the creations we love are often the ones least appreciated by others, while the ones we think are just so-so are big hits? :-) Art is so subjective.

    I love the coyote painting. I wouldn’t know what to do with it, though. I think a lot of people have an easier time buying small paintings because they’re less intimidating. Now if you’ll excuse me, I am off to check out the rest of the small paintings to see which one I can beg for! ;-)

  • froglette79

    I love them both.

    But, I have to say, I really loved Ghost Dog. I can’t believe it didn’t sell! Boo! crazy Redondo Beach people. What are they thinking?

  • comfortablycrazy

    What can I say, the coyote painting matches my bedroom. Just like The Crag. They’re kinda like companion prints, painted many moons apart. Wrap it and store it at mom’s, it can be a Christmas gift.

  • LVGurl

    Awe, the Surf Dog is closing? :( That’s sad…

    I’m puzzled as to why the light-up painting didn’t sell. I was considering it at the show…

  • Michelle

    B – What are the little paintings left that are the smaller ones? I would love to buy one or two from you! I’ll beg along with Bethany!!!! And, thanks so much for the info. on the pacies!!! We are going gah gah here for the new baby that is on the way, and I am excited to shop! You’re the best for always responding….thanks alot! Now I’m off to look at the little paintings. My fave from the bigger ones was the surf dog!

  • del4yo

    You just remind me it’s been eons I didn’t gave any of my art to my brother…

    *Oh shame on me*

    I love the idea of tiny lights. It must be fun to get asleep with this in your bedroom :)

  • Sleepynita

    If yo have paintigs left I would love to pay for shipping to get them here! I think they would be great in Rito’s playroom, and he just adores dogs, and I adore your art so it is a perfect fit!

  • diane

    These are fantastic!

    If the blue poodle and/or the red dog/purple dog are still around, I would LOVE shipping details for NJ.

    Also, it says click for more I need to have a flicker account to see them?

  • MommyK

    I would love the little one at the end. It is creams and whites. I would pay for it and the shipping. I know my husband and soon-to-be born child would love it. Please let me know what I need to do to buy it from you!

    P.S. You are so talented! Sometimes I wake up to look at your site to be inspired by your blog.

  • Vilma

    I know I am reading this post quite late… But maybe you still have the little painting with the dog drinking the coffee? I have such a perfect place for it in my kitchen… I would love to pay for the shipping plus..