Bad Mom,  Bug,  illos,  party party

Bubblegum Baby

This is my idea of the perfect outfit for Baby Bug on her big first birthday party day. Too bad she doesn’t have any of these things (yet). She’ll probably end up wearing khaki pants and a pink onesie. Unless of course I happen to stumble across a tutu and striped pink and red tights between now and then. It’s possible. Valentines is just around the corner.

You’d think I didn’t get enough sugar growing up or something. Or maybe I didn’t play with dolls enough. (I didn’t.) I just want pink pink pink for Baby Bug. Bubble gum, fuzzy pink puppy tummies, strawberry ice cream, pink cupcakes, watermelon gellato, fizzy pink lemonade… these are the things I think of when I think of Baby Bug. I can’t help it!

You’ll notice I’m offsetting all the pinkness with cross bones and fangs on the kitty on her t-shirt. Also, Baby Bug sports a nifty butch haircut—my old friend Bethany would be proud.