• artsy fartsy,  Beach Bits,  Gumball the Kitten,  party party

    gumball production

    Guess what? I LOVE iron on heat transfer paper. It’s like a whole new medium to me. I can make anything and iron it on fabric and then sew it into a pillow!!! ANYTHING! The possibilities are endless. Toby was not that impressed but I think it’s the best thing since sliced bread. My art! On fabric! Nothing can stop me now.

    Sewing up the little gumball kitty pillows is not quite as fun as the instant gratification of the iron and peel process. I’m not as deft on the sewing machine as I’d like to be and my “circle” pillows morphed into the usual lumpy lopsided puffs. It’s okay though, I think they still look cute.

    Baby Bug agrees with me. They have officially been tested and approved by a baby. I don’t know if the heat transfer gum is toxic but Baby Bug slobbered on hers and she seems to be fine.

    After a full morning of pink kitty production, Baby Bug and I decided we needed a little break. We went for a walk to Starbucks and the beach. It was cold and windy. The wind blew the sand into little miniature dunes. We only stayed long enough to enjoy our lemon loaf and then we hustled back home as fast as we could. I try and keep Baby Bug’s hands covered in my jacket but she likes to be free. When we get home her little fingers are icicles.

    Toby says tonight and last night are probably the coldest of the year. I believe him. And of course these are the nights our heater refuses to work. Sigh. You know what that means, a dreaded conversation with the landlord. Ick.

    I hate to end a post on that note though… so think about fun pink asterisk butt pillows instead! Maybe I can snuggle my feet into the big bag of pillow stuffing. Or maybe I should just go to bed. I wanted to stay up and sew but as usual, as the clock nears nine-ish I start to feel less and less productive.