artsy fartsy,  Bug,  movies,  party party

Painting and a Movie

I think I watch this show too much. I desperately want to be Debbie Travis and paint my house into something fabulous. Unfortunately, that’s just not possible since we rent and on top of that we rent from the crazy landlord. We don’t even want to go there. I don’t care how “cheap” paint is.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t paint cardboard boxes. Painting cardboard is fun. The whole process was a lot easier than I ever expected. I walked into Home Depot, showed them the colors I wanted, waited for ten minutes for them to shake it up and nine dollars later I was out the door with my two shades of pinkkkity pink.

Of course cardboard boxes don’t need any prepping or sanding and you can’t tape anything off anyway. All I had to do was tape down my $1.98 plastic drop cloth to our patio floor to keep it from blowing away and we were off to the painting races. It’s a good thing I watch that show because the paint roller was just the thing. It worked perfectly. I probably wouldn’t have known that if I didn’t watch Debbie Travis every morning with Baby Bug.

The only difficult thing about painting the boxes was entertaining Baby Bug. She got tired of being jailed in her exersaucer after about ten minutes. She wanted to paint too. I let her play with a dry brush but she knew the difference. She kept reaching out for the pink and when I got close she would touch the paint splotches on my arm. Who says she doesn’t like pink? Thankfully I was able to finish it up during her afternoon nap.

And that was that. Now what? Well a movie of course. (1.33 MB Quicktime)

I’ve been meaning to write a post about all the new things Baby Bug is doing. You’ll see she’s found her voice in the movie. She amazes me every day. She’s so smart! I can’t even begin to imagine what year two is going to be like. I feel bad that I’m going to post all about painting cardboard boxes on her birthday and I’m not going on and on about Baby Bug (because believe me I could go on and on…) but it’s late and the heater is broken still and I think my fingers are going to break off if I type any more. So I will save it for yet another few days.


  • Jennifer

    Love the pink cat house. Great movie. BB definitely has a lot to say. She’s so cute and as into everything as my 1 year old is right now, haha. I like those red shoes!

  • Angie

    The pinkitty house turned out great and Baby Bug is simply adorable. Those uh-ohs are the best. Some of her other sounds are like she’s a litle lion perfecting her roar.

  • Lauren

    Happy Birthday, BabyBug!

    I’m sorry but I can’t read your blog with my kids around anymore .. they see all the things you do and then want ME to do them. You’re making me look bad, SAJ.

    What happened to Whrool?

  • Yvonne

    Oh that video is one of the cutest things ever!!! She is quite the yakker, my daughter was that way too, and she still is now at 14! What a precious baby girl you have!

    I came over yesterday from Like Merchant Ships to check out Baby Bug’s kitty house. I love it! My 14 year old loved it too. We are adopting a two year old girl next month and my daughter wants to make one forher now. :-)

    Happy Birthday to Baby Bug!!!

  • OMSH

    Ahhh … this is purrrfect. Baby Bug has her own little reooowrr doesn’t she? So sweet. I’m LOVING the cardboard box. Do you need a few extra nieces and nephews?

  • Kim

    Oh she is just too cute! Love the movie! And the little pink house makes me feel so very lazy!! I have NO idea how you do it. Her party will be perfect!

  • Marissa

    I agree with the painting with water suggestion. And they have those magic coloring books, where the water brings out hidden colors on the page. Could be fun!

  • Gramma

    Back in the early 60’s we lived in Hawaii in a house painted redwood red. A couple of old paintbrushes and a buckets of water kept my gang busy for a
    L-O-N-G time. Because the sunshine quickly dried up what was already painted they could go over again and again re-doing the walls. Hope you all have a good time at the PINKKITTY party.

  • Leah

    I showed Simon your cardboard castle yesterday and he was quite impressed. Impressed enough to want to get in it himself. And then when I showed him the pink tube, he reminded me that we have a blue one just like it and that we should get to building our own cardboard castle ASAP.

  • Kim

    I am an over the top party planner, and you make me look like an amiture!!! I can’t wait to see what comes next! (as I am doing prep work for the American Idol 9 year old party for next month.) Happy Birthday Bug.. life is so much more fun from here out!

  • BeachMama

    The house turned out perfect. I love watching Debbie Travis’ Face Lift, a lot of the episodes are filmed in Montreal, so it is great to see the old houses get a makeover.

    Your 12 month movie is one of the best, love her new found voice. Happy Birthday again!

  • margalit

    That is the cutest movie yet. She gets cuter and cuter and cuter and it’s almost impossible to GET any cuter than that girl. But then she does!

    Love the pink cardboard kid/kitty house. I wish I had one.

    Oh, please let me send you some heat. It’s so freaking hot in my house right now I’m sitting in front of the fan. OUr heat has two settings: Saudi Arabia and Fairbanks Alaska. We’re on Saudi time right now.

  • justJENN

    You need to air that thing out before the kids get stuck in there and dizzy from paint fumes, yes?

    Too cute. I have a birthday party this weekend too. But for boys, it’s all about trains.

  • Samantha

    I love her little voice! Oh, the babbling and nonsense! (Except for uh-oh, of course.) And her pinkkkkity house is absolutely wonderful. You are the best mama in the world!

  • love squalor

    happy birthday cutie! and i love what you’ve done with the pretty-pink-paint (how’s that for alliteration!). i have a serious crush on debbie too put i haven’t been quite brave enough to actually paint anything yet.

  • Marilyn

    UH-OH! I’m a few days late to the party! (Hospital visits intervened, I’m afraid.) Belated 1st Birthday wishes to your beautiful Baby Bug! I can’t believe how BIG she’s getting! And when the two of you hit Paris for her 16th birthday, I hope you’ll pass down to her the Eiffel Tower earrings. ;)

  • nila

    That is one awesome pinkkity castle. Where do I get mine?

    This is the perfect birthday post because it talks about what BB is in to. Glad she didn’t get into the paint though.