B reviews,  coffee!coffee!coffee!

Happy Cup! French Pressed and Reviewed

Happy Cup Coffee

It’s coffee review time! Secret Agent Josephine here, reporting for duty. If there is a coffee to be reviewed, I shall review it!

It’s a dirty job but somebody has to do it.

Today I am reviewing Happy Cup Coffee from Portland, specifically their Morning Madness blend. Also I’m going to French Press it so if you’re someone like me who had to google how to use a French Press maybe this post will help you.

First of all I love their company name. I know my coffee cup always makes me happy. It also makes me happy that they have a great logo and lovely packaging design. I always judge packaging. It does make a difference. I honestly think that coffee tastes better when it comes out of a sharp looking bag and gets poured into my favorite cup. I’m very particular about these things.

Morning Madness

The second thing that makes Happy Cup Coffee special is that they hire special people to help them roast it. And by special people I mean people with disabilities. How cool is that? This bag you see right here was packaged by Alec. I didn’t really expose the photo well so you can’t see his name stamped on the bag but it’s there. I like that personal touch.

Happy people work at Happy Cup Coffee

I don’t know who Alec is but I’m hoping it’s that super smiley guy they have a picture of in their brochure.


Now let’s get down to business and review the actual coffee. The beans they sent to me were not as dark and oily as I usually like mine but I realize not everyone likes their coffee super burnt like I do. Moving on…


It smelled delicious when I ground it up. Mmmmmm!

Bethany's trick

Since I’m sharing step-by-step photos I figured I might as well include this tip that I learned from Bethany. Basting brushes work great for sweeping out those clingy bits of ground up coffee. It might seem like a fiddly extra step but since I’ve been doing this, my coffee grinding area and the cupboard where I keep all my coffee supplies is so much cleaner!

4 tablespoons

Four heaping tablespoons into my French Press…

add hot water

Fill with hot boiling water.


Stir lightly to make sure all the grounds get soaked evenly.

let sit for four minutes

Steep for four (FOUR! no more, no less) minutes.


Press down gently with both hands. Of course I can’t show you both hands because I’m always holding my camera with one hand. This is all sorts of awkward but my photography assistant was off playing with Pink Kitty and not available, as usual.

add cream

Then it’s ready to be sweetened in your usual manner. My usual manner is a swirl of sweetened condensed milk. (Though lately I’ve moved back to my usual glurg of half and half and a pinch of sugar. The sweetened condensed milk was getting too sweet for me.)


Time to taste! (I think my ugly face might have ruined this review. Please try to ignore.)

Result: A bit on the acidic side with a berry twinge but DELICIOUS! I think I should move to Portland.

Oh right, it rains all the time. Nevermind.

Happy Cup Shirt!

So guess what! Happy Cup wants to make you happy too! Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Comment below with your two cents on what makes your favorite coffee great and I get to pick three lucky people to receive a bag of their choice of coffee.

You can see what kinds of coffee they sell here. Just click on that little link at the top of the page that says “Happy Cup can be purchased online and at our Coffee Shop at 3331 NE Sandy Blvd.” and then the coffee section and you’ll see the flavors in a pop up window. Great names for coffee right?

I also get to pick one lucky winner to receive a gift box. Inside the gift box is a cute mug like the one I received, a bag of coffee and a t-shirt! Hot diggety! So comment away! I’ll pick a winner by next Monday.

p.s. I received this product for free but I was not paid for this review. Opinions are my own! :)


  • Suebob

    Talking about your “ugly” face is the only ugly thing. You are lovely, my dear.

    I am so lucky to have a great coffee roaster in town, Beacon Coffee. They roast small batches with care and have turned me into a fan of much lighter roasts because the flavors are all there.

  • AllisonJolliff

    I always head to my mom’s when I want coffee! But winning this would definitely inspire my own brewing!

  • Sara

    Please you have never had an “ugly” face photo in your life. Beautiful pic!

    Great review and the demonstration on the french press were very informative for a beginner like me. Its going on my “future gift to myself list” that I share with my husband. :)

    A good coffee is always great when its a super delicious dark roast, its made by the one you love (especially so you don’t have to get your own hands dirty, ha!) and just a bit of sweetener makes you pucker up and say AH!

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Meghan

    Lovely! I, too, am a sucker for great design & packaging, so my fingers are crossed extra tight that I might be able to score the gift box, I would wear the heck out of that t-shirt!

    For me, coffee is more about the ritual & the experience. I have a couple of favorite brands (I also prefer a darker roast, I usually brew espresso roast) but I love all of the steps: pulling out my favorite cup, adding my Trader Joe’s soy creamer & a few drops of vanilla cream stevia to the bottom, then watching the colors swirl & get darker as the coffee fills the cup. The smell, the warmth of the cup in my hands, that moment when the first earthy drop hits my mouth, all of it is what makes coffee great.

    I’ve always wanted to make coffee via a French Press, and this definitely has me inspired to add it to the “ritual.” Happy Cup sounds like a great company with an even better mission, I hope I get to try a sample soon. (I’ve got friends in Portland, so even if I’m not lucky enough to be chosen to for the giveaway I might have to ask them to send me some!)

  • Jamie Siegel

    I like 3 sugars and a splash of milk or vanilla creamer and to drink it out of my adorable owl mug from Pier 1. :) I use my Keurig and what ever pods I have on hand. I had gotten used to grinding my own beans when I lived in Germany and would buy Tchibo coffee beans but I can’t get them here in the states.

  • Christine in PDX

    I didn’t know they roasted beans there- I thought they just had a cafe! I’ll have to get some beans if I don’t win:)

  • Anne

    Pretty sure I want your job…coffee reviewing? Yes, please! I also keep meaning to try the scm trick of yours, but don’t have any at the moment. Seems like a great creamer substitute! We typically use a good glug of the cream top from our raw milk (crazy yummy) with a glug of creamer for sweets. I do like to doctor up my coffee!

  • Evilisa

    I like to make Vietnamese iced coffee on the weekends. I have my own little presses and I use sweetened condensed milk. WE love really strong coffee. Nothing makes a weekend like that smell. mmmmm I also love to try new coffees and the name of this just sounds yummi. Thanks for the review.

  • Mrs. Bodien

    Ooh, I love that packaging too, especially the white ink used to stamp. And the names are super cute – Boom! Boom! is my favorite. :)

    I’m a die-hard coffee drinker. What makes my favorite coffee great is the little battery-operated milk frother I finally broke down and purchased. I used to insist on half and half in my coffee, but my waistline was not happy about it (since I drink coffee all the live long day). With the milk frother, it actually works best with non-fat milk! I add a little sprinkling of sugar on top and it hardens into a sweet little crust and it’s just perfect. Now, to get a French Press …

  • Tami Hatfield

    I am having my one cup of coffee late this morning and am enjoying it while reading this delightful review! My one cup of coffee makes me happy each morning and yes, it does have to be a tasty one to make the happiness, but also the routine – my favorite mug was made by my darling husband and it fits perfectly in the middle of my two hands cupping it like a bowl. I love the warmth, the smell and the taste – coffee with a blop of half N half and a drizzle of honey – Happy Day!
    Love the name of the new Portland coffee company! Thanks!

  • Felix

    Took me years to start drinking coffee but now I love it as part of my routine. Still looking for the perfect mild coffee though. As long as I have my chocolate creamer, I’m good!

  • Erin S.

    Mmm . . . long time reader, but I don’t usually comment . . . coffee will get me to comment though. :) I didn’t start drinking coffee until I went to France in college 10 years ago, and now I love it strong, strong, strong, with milk and sugar. Even better if I can drink it in France. :)

  • mamalang

    Can you believe that I never really enjoyed coffee until the Keurig came along? I used to have a little coffee with my cream and sugar. Now I enjoy a cup of coffee with a little bit of all natural creamer with a touch of sugar…yummy :)

  • Beth B.

    What makes my coffee great? The fact that I set up the coffee machine the night before and set the timer so when I stumble out to the kitchen in the morning; voila!! its ready to go! I love coffee. This coffee looks intriguing; i’m going to check it out!

  • Kuky

    I think I told you before about how I don’t drink coffee regularly. And when we were in Hawaii i was in the mood for some and couldn’t figure out how to use the coffee machine. But this post was fascinating. I actually was so curious about French presses I went and watched several YouTube videos about them. :D

  • Tabitha

    Happy Cup, happy me!

    And Brenda, please, please don’t ever call yourself ugly. You never want your lovely daughter reading this site and seeing a mom who doesn’t love herself for all that she is. Be proud of you, Brenda. Love yourself deeply, confidently and proudly! You uplift me whenever I come here, and you inspire me with your energy, ideas and love for your daughter. Bless you and all that you do.

  • Tonya

    Coffee means back to work. I work a 10 month contract, so I’ve been off for almost the last 2 months, and it’s been too hot for coffee at home. So, it’s one of the things I look forward to when I go back to work in August.

  • Jody

    What I like about coffee *IS* more the ritual than the drink itself – although that isn’t so bad either! :)

    Meeting a friend for coffee and a chat is much, much cheaper than seeing a therapist.

  • Tiffany

    As cheesy as this sounds, I use the same brand of coffee as my mom and what my grandpa (her dad) used. I love smelling it in the morning because it reminds me of my grandpa and spending weekends with him. It also reminds me to call my mom, lol.

  • Donna G

    In the summer, I look forward to my iced coffee after my walk when I am hot and sweaty from the lovely humidity of the Gulf Coast. It’s special because I cold-brew it in the French press I persuadued the Manboss (as my sister calls him) to buy for me in green, my favorite color. It’s a happy bright green, and it makes me happy.

  • Marianne

    What makes my coffee great is a not-too-acidic taste and of course, the CAFFEINE, which I really need at this time in my life. I’ve never heard of this brand – I will check it out! I’d love to win some!

  • Melissa K. in Nebraska

    Coffee is my best friend. I always have a cup of coffee next to me. Usually cold. But I pretty much like it that way now. I’ve tried lots of brands (but not this one yet). Standing at the counter in the morning all groggy, grinding the beans and smelling that wonderful aroma perks me right up!

  • Jennifer G

    I love grinding my own beans, the coffee just tastes that much fresher! I always have to drink decaf, though… which is hard to find in “fun” flavors… so I jazz it up with flavored creamers. I have started using the sweetened condensed milk after your previous mention and it is SO yummy!

  • Sally Hackney

    Whoa…that “Boom Boom” sounds good. I like my coffee strong in the morning.I also like alittle sweetened condensed milk in mine too. I made the iced coffee mix that the Pioneer Woman posted a few months ago and I am hooked on it. Coffee reviewer=great job!

  • nikkapotamus

    I don’t drink coffee, but my husband loves specialty coffees! His favorite is a good medium roast with a touch of cream in it. One time I suggested he put a little tiny scoop of vanilla ice cream in his coffee and he has not yet forgiven me for convincing him to do something so wonderful that he can’t repeat every day.

  • Christine

    But you let it stand for four minutes BEFORE you press down the plunger thingy, right? I think the order of your photos is mixed up – it looks like you did it right but then you described it out of sequence – in the photo the plunger is up, then down, then up again. (Just call me continuity gal.)

  • nicole i

    any coffee with the name happy wins my vote. love the name of roast “boom boom” makes me want to get things done…which is what coffee does to me…makes me go “boom boom”.

    ps: you should try your coffee black…i did, i thought i would hate it but guess what i love black coffee now…after years of creamy coffee!

  • Shar

    I love HEB`s cypress blend.It has tiny bits of coconut that sweetens the taste.I have had coffee out of a press and loved it.Although I have no idea how to use one!

  • Amy

    I like it STRONG with half and half, teaspoon and a half of sugar. Necessary morning requirement which is what gets me out of bed in the morning.

    I LOVE what you have described about this company! I have spent all of my adult life working with individuals with developmental delays/ and or physical challenges. What a great idea having a company that employs such individuals, no doubt pays them a fair wage and directs profit to those living with challenges.

    Bravo Happy Cup. BRAVO!!!

  • Leslie

    I love any coffee with half-and-half, especially the Kona blend that friends sent us from Hawaii. One of my favorite ways to drink coffee is in the very early morning, before the sun is even up, out of a favorite mug.

  • Jana

    A great cup of coffee for me is steaming hot in my favorite mug with a touch of half and half. If it is so quiet I can hear the crickets chirp then all the better.

  • Shannon S.

    Just a little sugar and cream make it just right for me but now I really want to try sweetened condensed milk, it looks good!

    The morning madness blend sounds really good

  • Kate

    After years of brewing hot coffee, sticking it in the refrigerator and adding ice when I was ready to drink it, I finally got a Toddy’s iced coffee vessel. I want to call it a machine, but it doesn’t plug in or anything so that seems wrong. Anyway, it’s taken some experimenting, like your foray into the French press, but I’m saving a good chunk of money on Starbucks.

    I love that Happy Cup employs special workers. That is truly awesome. I’m off to check out their website now!

  • Debra

    My favorite coffee is anything from Trader Joe’s. You can grind it right there in the store, and I love the tins they come in. The smell is fantastic ! Happy Cup looks fantastic, I would try any of their flavors (esp The Buzz!) and happily wear their shirt ! THANKS

  • Jenn S

    my favorite cup of joe is with two shakes of sugar and milk…mmm. also, i agree with an above commenter…the only ugly thing about that statement is that you think your face is ugly! you have such a pretty face!

  • OMSH

    First, like you…I want the packaging to look sharp. Unless, someone has referred a specific coffee to me, I search for coffee like wine, by the label. I like the retro look of their labeling.

    Next, I like bold, but smooth. I don’t typically buy morning blends because they don’t tend to be as bold. I would love to try their Boom! Boom! Dark Roast!

  • Coco

    I like low acid & chocolatey coffees… not chocolate flavored, but the beans that say they are “chocolatey” – does that make sense? means Buzz Buzz would likely be my choice!