Back to School Bunny!
I have a crazy day today and not much time to write but I just wanted to pop in and say that my Time to Get Ready, Bunny!
book is on sale for 99 cents today! Cheaper than a latté!
If you have kids, they probably already started school but this book might be a fun one for littles to read about getting ready for school now that the newness is wearing off and it’s not as much fun getting up early.
Bug starts school next week and we STILL don’t know if she will get into the school in our neighborhood! I don’t think we’ll know until the night before! No nerves, right? This time I think I’m as anxious as Bug is! Eek! But the good news is that the other two schools she will get sent to are also good so it will just be a bit farther away. We can deal.
Buy my book!
(It helps me pay my rent and it’s cute!) (No pressure, of course.)