• 15 minute posts,  Buddies,  Shop Talk


    My friend Anna (aka BeachMama) is here from Canada and she’s been taking photos of me for all my various “head-shot” author needs. Surprisingly, they’ve been many and I’ve been winging it with hand-held crap shots which was not really very professional. Don’t even get me started on the shot that is on the back page of my first two books.

    Anyway, It’s very weird being on the other side of the camera. I’m probably the world’s most awkward model. But she’s making it fun, thankfully.

    I’ve tried to show her all the best sides of the sticks, which is a tiny bit challenging. Of all places to come visit when you’re in California…I don’t think my town is on the top of anybody’s list. Unless maybe you’re working for People of Walmart. There are a few amazing spots but of course since I’ve been on the lens side of the camera (and trying desperately to keep my giant green purse and camera phone out of the shots), I don’t have many photos to show you.

    But I will soon! She’s taking tons of photos of me and making me look fabulous! She’s a pretty amazing photographer.

    So I took her to Palm Springs. She took a thousand photos of me.

    I instagrammed it.

    @beach_mama is here!

    Today I’m taking her to the beach. Then she has to fly away home which is very sad. But it’s been a blast having her here!