Beach Bits,  easy on the words,  heavy on photos,  the sticks,  Tis the Season

I LOVE summertime!


We enjoyed some very summer-like weather out in the sticks this last week. Complete with a dip in the kiddie pool of course.

desert rats

happy kids

I know this photo is blurry but I love it so…

ahhhhhh beating the heat

Yes, I totally drank my chocolate iced coffee in the kiddie pool. Them’s the perks of being a full-time mom.

apricots on the grill

My Dad grilled for lunch and dinner… it was so nice. He even let me grill some apricot halves I had a hankering for after reading this post. You should try it. They were DELICIOUS! Just like little bites of apricot cobbler. Mmmmmmmm!!!


Then I kidnapped my niece for a few days of fun at the beach. Nobody appreciates the surf more than a twelve-year-old from the desert. She and her boogie board are best buddies.

My creation

And of course Bug was all over the beach days as well…

double your fun

sitting in the surf

can you feel it?

The water is perfect right now. If I didn’t have a little kid to watch with my eagle eyes, I would swim out past the buoys and just float with the pull of the ocean. I love doing that. One of these days I’ll do that again…when I teach Bug how to swim! Maybe this summer, I hope.


If you’re looking for a place to vacation, I can’t recommend my beach enough. I’ve lived here fifteen years and I still love it. I wish I could offer my house as a bed and breakfast but sadly, that’s not possible. And of course hotels around here are super expensive. But I hear if you’re diligent you can get good deals in Laguna Beach… anyway, here’s to summertime! I hope you enjoy it wherever you are at!


  • bethany actually

    I wish Annalie had learned to appreciate the beach earlier on in our time in San Diego. I was so looking forward to lots of beach days with her but they were so fraught with emotion that we didn’t go as often as I would have liked. I’m glad she learned to love it before we left, but I wish it had happened at the beginning of summer! *sigh* Oh well. Someday we’ll be back. :-)

  • Melissa

    You are so lucky to live near the ocean. Seeing your pics makes me yearn for a Cali vacation so badly!

  • jenny b harris

    I’ve never seen such a happy post! You can’t help but smile looking through your photos of happy kids, happy people, gorgeous sun and sand (and the kiddie pool cracks me up). You make me miss my days growing up on the Texas seashore!

  • Julie Dyer

    Oh my lord — that last photo may be the cutest one of you two ever! I have been dipping in to your blog from time to time (‘tho regrettably not as often since my mat leave ended 6 weeks ago) since I printed your adorable valentines for my three-year-old in February (we had such fun writing them; they were the first ones she’s ever given out and I’ll look for more of your creations when my now-one-year-old’s ready to give some of his own; sorry for this crazy long parentheses! out of control! how did this sentence start?) and so admire your creativity, your sense of fun, and your super-cute closeness with your daughter bug. I hope my daughter Lily and I will be as pal-sy as you and yours; ‘tho she has a tough time pulling me away from her little (and still breastfeeding) bro.
    Thank you for the entertaining (and sometimes inspiring!) reads,
    Julie in Ottawa, ON

  • Julie Dyer

    “your daughter bug” — Ha! Sorry: I meant to write “Your daughter, Bug”. Must go! Up way too late again trying to squeeze more hours out of the day…

  • jennybean

    Yes Bug’s legs look very long indeed, in that one shot near the top you look as though you have three legs! Haha!

  • Leesa

    oooh, I WISH! We are in full swing winter over here- BBrrrrr. Your summer shots make me totally jealous, lucky girls ;)

  • a chris

    I WISH too! And it IS supposed to be summer (or almost) here. It’s so un-summery we’re practically in hibernation. I’m glad you’ve hit a time of year when you reap the rewards of living where you do.

  • Jackee

    Tell me that you picked those apricots off a tree and I’ll jump into that ocean! They look divine! Bug seems to be having a most wonderful time. You look like you are the epitome of happy mom too – so cool that you look awesome sans make-up to be able to take a snapshot and post it without some sort of enhancement. (I can’t not wear makeup, even at the beach or pool without looking UGH!)
    You and your bud, Bug, are a joy to watch (blog watch).

  • BeachMama

    I can vouch for how wonderful your beach is. If it wasn’t a 7 day drive to get there, we would certainly be vacationing there instead of our beach. But, alas a 9 hour drive is a little closer. We will return though, we will return…