• Family Matters,  Super Dad

    Dude, we totally got a flat tire.

    Dude, we totally have a flat tire.

    Don’t you love Bug’s expression?

    It wasn’t very exciting though because we were close to home and I called my trusty Triple T insurance guy who came right out after he smoked three cigarettes and drank a cup of coffee. I only had to wait thirty minutes.* Not bad for a tow truck guy. He didn’t even have to tow us! He pulled out the super-mini, fancy-dancy Audi car jack thingy from the trunk, jacked up the car, pulled off the lug nut caps and fixed our tire right there on the spot. Without even reading the manual!!!

    Mr. Manly-Man

    It was so hott. I love a man who will rescue his wife in distress.

    Then we drove our car to the tire place with the dinky little spare tire. It was so cute next to the other big fat tires. I almost want to keep it. Except I can’t drive on the freeway with it and this spoiled my big plans to visit a friend in San Diego today. Blasted tire! Literally.

    7Days, Day 5: "Cold Waiting Room"

    This is me waiting in the tire store waiting room. (It’s my 7days photo.) The dog’s name is Beamer.

    What’s funny is I was just thinking to myself, probably yesterday or the day before, that I need to learn how to change a tire. I know it’s not that hard. I was even going to ask Toby to teach me. So I guess it was providential that the tire blew out today. I watched Toby carefully and except for the part about not stripping the lug nuts and being careful with the not-very-strong allen wrench, I feel pretty confident I could do it next time.


    *I could be exaggerating.