• diary illos,  travel

    Okay Loose Ends, Show Yourselves!


    We are packed and we are ready to go. I can’t even believe it. I never have down time before a big trip. I’ve finished up all my freelance assignments that I had to do—such a weird feeling. I always have a deadline or two hanging over my head. Does anyone have any work for me? Just kidding, sort of. I think things will go smoothly while I’m gone. Knock knock on my wooden head. It’s really weird being ready early instead of running around mad like a chicken with her head cut off (that was me Monday).

    Bug has asked me why we can’t just fly the airplane today about a zillion times. I think she thinks the hours and hours in the sky are going to be like some sort of loop-ti-loop fun game on Air Olivia. (Which I cannot find a link to no matter how hard I look. Does this one work? It wouldn’t work for me but then my laptop was born in 2003 and it’s sadly dying.)

    I meant to put this post up this morning so you guys could tell me what I’m forgetting, because I’m sure I’m forgetting something but somehow the day got away from me and now I only have hours before we leave. Yaaaaaay! I’m so excited. Washington D.C I hope you’re ready for me. I can’t wait to update you on whatever adventures we have.

    The most exciting adventure will be unpacking Bethany’s house I’m sure. They moved into the craziest house with lots of rooms all painted different colors. She even has a bar with a phone booth in her basement. I’m not even kidding. I’m planning on setting up a coffee shop there stat.