• artsy fartsy,  painting,  party party,  raving lunatic rant

    Puppet Show Box Completed!

    this green

    This is about the point in party-planning where I start to get on everybody’s nerves. Even though I have been told by reliable truth-telling friends that I am not as annoying as I think I am, I imagine myself as one of those crazy lunatic reality stars who runs around yelling at everyone because they don’t “get my vision.”

    Of course part of the problem with people “not getting my vision” is that I am in a hyper state of brain-activity where I do most of my communicating in my head and I forget that you all can’t hear that. It’s loud and clear to me, what’s your problem?!!

    Anyway, I cannot complain about party stress because it is 100% self-inflicted and I love it. Naturally, it drives Toby bananas. He is counting down the minutes until it is all over and he can have his quiet life back without giant green boxes in the living room and a sewing machine whirring away at 2 o’clock in the morning. Of course, you know the minute it is all over I will be planning the next one IN MY HEAD! Bwahahahhhahaahha!

    I have a knife and I will use it

    Things are rapidly progressing. Bethany brought me a bunch of her old moving boxes and they have been sliced and diced into a puppet show theater. Annalie and Bug helped with the painting.

    girls paintingfairy mural to match the bunk bed I was completely sick of it. My nieces thought their bunk bed was great but every time I walked into their room or saw a photo of it, it made me wince. So bright! My eyes, my eyes!

    rolling down the green

    I think I picked this color again because on the little card it was next to two other greens and it looked subtle and just right in comparison. It wasn’t too dark, it wasn’t too light, it was smack dab in the middle. Now I’m thinking without those other two greens it looks like some kind of Shrek Drano. But whatever. Three-year-olds will love it.

    painting the awning

    Speaking of not being a perfectionist and letting things go, the awning was a complete mess. It looks great from far away but I really screwed it up. The weather has been quite warm and dry (perfect for painting outdoors on our patio) and because of this my paint dried almost as quickly as I painted it. This resulted in way too much texture. Sort of like when you’re painting your toenails and you accidentally smudge the paint and then you paint another coat on top thinking you’ll just cover that smudge up but instead you end up with a giant mess. Yeah.

    It’s okay though. Nobody will notice. I only mention it because I want you to know that painting for me is just as frustrating as it is for everybody else. I always do everything wrong. I just don’t give up. I keep plowing through.

    puppet bug

    The puppet-show box is done. All I need to do is sew the black curtain that goes behind the green curtain, paint the little hanging scenes for our script and…all the rest of the stuff that I need to do like grocery shopping and housecleaning. No stress at all! Hahhahhahahah. There is way too much still to do.