• Buddies,  Paris,  the laundry

    Lens Envy

    croque monsieur

    We cruised down to Bethany’s for the day and two things happened. She made croque monsieurs for dinner which always take me all the way back to Paris AND she let me play with her new 50mm lens! Normally I say Lens schmens, it’s what you do with the camera that counts, but this lens?!! It makes everything look like smitten kitchen. I’m so in love with it. I’m trying really hard not to be jealous but it is difficult!


    Does that look like it was taken in fluorescent light? Where’s the green cast? You’d think I did some fancy photoshop work to warm up the shot. But I didn’t. I did absolutely nothing. Doesn’t Bethany look like Nigella? It’s good to have friends who can cook.

    saj plate

    It’s good to have friends who let you use their fancy camera…

    freshly laundered

    …and let you do your laundry in their garage.

    p.s. By the way, the cookies on my saj plate are smitten kitchen’s pecan sandies. This is a very smitten-esque post. (Hi Deb!)

    p.p.s. The plate is for sale. I have a lens to save up for.