• B reviews,  do me a favor,  Family Matters

    Betcha didn’t know I have a review blog.

    My creation

    I know now seems like a horrible time to talk about buying a car and normally I wouldn’t be interested in this sort of thing, but the kind people of General Motors approached me to review their new Chevy Traverse when we were in a time of need. Not me personally but my family.

    It was Thanksgiving and I really wanted my family to visit me for the weekend. You may or may not know about my family’s love affair with broken-down cars. Let’s just say that there are not one, not two but three cars sitting on my mom’s lawn that are not running. We’re classy like that.

    Times have been tough for my brother and his family and I knew it would be a huge financial burden for them to visit both CC’s family and us for Thanksgiving (gas was not as cheap then as it is now). So you can see why I jumped at the chance to test-drive a luxury car for the holiday week.

    CC was kind enough to write about it on my review blog. I bet you didn’t know I have a review blog. Well, I do! You may not be in the market for a new car and I totally understand that but do me a favor and check out CC’s review if only to thank GM for making our holiday together so much nicer. Thank you GM!