• artsy fartsy,  Niece-com-poops,  party party

    Green, Green…My world is green…

    up to no good

    Here’s a sneak peek at the next project for the Great Big Green Puppet Show Birthday Party. We are having way too much fun with this theme. I’m kind of glad I skipped the party-planning extravaganza last year so I don’t feel too bad about going all out this year. It is going to be so fun.

    Rapunzel and I worked on our puppet show script all day today. We had a blast. If nothing else, we are cracking ourselves up with our script-writing. I hope our audience thinks it’s as fun as we do. I filmed our dress rehearsal tonight. That was a hoot. I was tempted to put the movie up for you to watch but it’s ten minutes long with dreadful lulls where we whisper madly at each other because we can’t find the right puppet to go with the next scene. Maybe when we have it more polished I will put up a few scenes.


    Tomorrow I hope to take some better photos of all the latest green activities. Stay tuned!