Bug,  Niece-com-poops,  the sticks

Summer is NOT over in the sticks

get mommy wet!

I didn’t pack my swimsuit or Baby Bug’s swimsuit when I headed out to the sticks this weekend. I don’t know what I was thinking. It was foggy at the beach when I left and I was in the mood for fall I guess. I even packed long-pants pajamas because my mom often runs her air conditioner so cold that I get a little chilled at night.

My mom called me on my cell phone while I was driving out to the sticks to tell me that the swamp cooler at my Grandpa’s (her new house) was broken but I never got the call. I showed up ready to work and was welcomed with 104-degree heat—in the house. Good times! So we’ve been sweating away and pretty much going crazy.

splashy splash!

After meeting (church) today I decided it was time for desperate measures. I headed over to the nearest drug store and bought a kiddie pool, a swimsuit for Baby Bug and some squirt bottles for each kid. I didn’t buy myself a swimsuit because the selection was poor. I’m not really into mongo-padded bras and giant palm-frond patterns yet. Thankfully, we can always use extra swimsuits for Baby Bug and everything was 75% off. Three cheers for summer blow-out sales!


Summer may be over in the rest of the world but it is not over here. It is soooo hot! I finally had enough and put on one of my mom’s super-big tank tops and plopped down with the kids in the kiddie pool. It was awesome. There really is nothing like immersing yourself in a bunch of water on a hot dry day in the desert.

toes to toes


I think we’ll make the most of it and pray that the swamp cooler gets fixed soon!


  • lynne

    I imagining how good it would feel to be immersed in cool water in 104 degree heat right now mmmm. What am I talking about… I don’t think I’ve ever experienced 104 degrees? We melt at 100 degrees over here. Very few houses have air con. Luckily it almost never happens. Have fun with your family :)

  • BeachMama

    Sounds like my kind of Fall day!! Although it hasn’t been 104 it sure has been warm for September here, we only started packing up the pool this past weekend. Even if it gets warm enough again, I don’t the pool would be warm enough to go into… we will just have to make do with the sprinkler. Have a great time.