• Family Matters,  Niece-com-poops,  the sticks,  Tis the Season

    summer of youth


    squirty princess

    It’s been 111 F out here in the sticks. Most of the day we stayed inside and painted but when it started to cool down, my mom sent the kids out to play in the yard and turned the sprinklers on. It was the perfect time of day to capture the water droplets in the late afternoon sunshine.

    running away

    I love taking photos of my niece. She’s always been so contagiously happy as long as I can remember. When she smiles, you can’t help but smile back. She’s starting to turn into a tween and I hope against all hopes that she doesn’t lose her inside-out-smile. It would kill me.


    I keep telling her that she can’t grow up but I don’t think she’s listening to me.