• Meghan

    She looks like Whoorl playing Ramon!

    SAJ says: I thought that too when I was finishing her up yesterday. But actually this was started before Whoorl got Ramon and I think Ramon is a classical guitar not a mandolin… not that I would know the difference or anything. Also, Whoorl wouldn’t hold her mandolin all wonkey like that.

  • Tammy

    Hey, if you need gas money, I still want that painting of my dog Sydney! And, I have money this week, LOL.


  • She Likes Purple

    Well CRAP. I didn’t buy it because I just drive 24 miles in 2.5 hours (it’s SNOWING… INCHES… IN TEXAS… IN MARCH). I would have snatched this up and put it in my new office and it would have inspired me daily. It’s stunning.

  • Chelsie

    Dang it! That painting is EXQUISITE! I am OBSESSED with orange lately… and bluegrass music is my fave. That would have looked awesome in my “office” (read: home) with our yellow, brown and red walls (alternatively… really, they’re accent walls in separate rooms. We’re not living in a rainbow. :-) Though wouldn’t that be lovely?)

    You should have auctioned that painting… Let us pay you what you’re really worth!

    Now go paint something orange… so I can buy it. :-) (I missed out on the timing because I was actually perusing ORANGE tagged items on Etsy! How coincidental…)

  • Susan

    Congrats..that’s a fast sell! If you would do a “beautiful” blonde playing the piano with some primary colors I am so all over buying it! No pressure to paint. LOL

  • soulsister24

    I think you should do a series of Mandolin Girl paintings. I loved the first one so much. And it was gone in the blink of an eye.
