• Bad Mom,  Bug,  domesticity,  place holder posts,  the laundry

    a quick check-in

    not posed at all

    I think this photo tells a better story than what I can come up with now that it is midnight and I am turning into a pumpkin. I am SO tired! I cleaned all day from top to bottom. I cleaned EVERYTHING!!!! The house will be in tip top shape when Toby gets home on Tuesday.


    I also did some jumping on the bed. You know, to get the dust out or something spring cleaning-ish like that. I thought it would be super cool to take a picture of my feet while I was jumping and then like an idiot I jumped too close to the edge and toppled over the footboard and caught myself on the closet like a pelican face-planting into a window. So graceful. Then to add to my humility, Baby Bug started singing “No more monkeys jumping on the bed.”

    So I’m a bit sore. Sore and tired. I’d love to blog about my car getting broken into and the super fun beach time and tea party I had with my nieces but I need to turn in so I can turn back into a princess tomorrow morning. This pumpkin business is not very becoming.