Bug,  Family Matters

How to have more fun: Add cousins!

SuperChic thinks Baby Bug's kitchen is pretty cool

Guess where the money went from selling Mandolin Girl? To CC so she could put some gas in her car and bring her kids out to visit me and Bug! Unfortunately things are really tight for them right now and driving an hour-and-a-half to visit family falls into the “luxury” category. And that is why pal pal was invented so I can instantly wire money to my family! So THANK YOU pay pal and Collin for buying my painting! Sigh…Art: it brings a family together.

smiling for me

We’ve got all kinds of fun things planned. First up was sugar cookies. Baby Bug and I have been talking about how much more fun it would be to make cookies with Rapunzel and SuperChic. “That would be better,” she always says. I think that’s my favorite phrase of hers these days. She says it all the time.

all for one

It was better. This is one time when more cooks in the kitchen (or in this case the dining room) is way better… in a fun messy flour-everywhere sort of way.
Sheesh, that seems to be a theme around here these days. Mess=fun? I promise I’m not trying to push this, it’s just a coincidence. When Toby gets back I’m totally going to be neat and clean again.

meanwhile on the couch...

But until then let’s PARTY!!!

p.s. photos from the decorating mayhem coming soon to CC’s blog.


  • Kuky

    Wow so weird. That’s like my house except minus the cousins. We made sugar cookies last night and there was flour everywhere!

  • Carrie

    It looks like so much fun! As I just commented on CC’s blog, I wanna come live with you guys! Erik would have so much fun, and so would I.

  • BeachMama

    Looks like so much fun, and you are the best Auntie letting them bake cookies with messy flour over the carpet :). We should have made cookies today, it would have helped pass the time during the snowstorm of the year! If I could get a plane to fly out (none have taken off in hours) I would hop on one to somewhere warm.

  • kiki

    What a great idea. I wish A.J.’s cousins lived closer. They live three states away so its not easy. I have been thinking all morning about something fun and adventurous I could do with the boys today. You always give out such great ideas. Even boys like to bake! Thanks!

  • Collin Welsch

    It was my pleasure to purchase the Mandolin Girl! I have the perfect spot in my house picked out for her. And, as a rule, I only purchase originals now. (They are just so special!) I have my eye on the chocolate bunny too. Thanks for linking to my website. I just got an email from someone in Canada who is interested in my paintings because of that… You’re awesome! See, the gift of art (and artists) just keep on giving….. Take care! — Collin

  • Jummy

    If I’m ever in California I’m going to follow the sound of fun and hopefully it’ll lead me to your place, SAJ!

    You’re such a loving person…I hope the rest of your weekend was great!

  • Chris

    It’s going to be so much fun for those kids to look at your blog photos when they’re older. You take some really excellent shots. Have to give some credit to the girls too for being great with the camera.