artsy fartsy,  party party,  Shop Talk

paper or plastic?

Which one looks cooler? I can’t make up my mind. Toby says to do both but that seems like overkill to me (as if overkill is an issue). I like the plastic because you can see the gumballs better but the paper is so cute.

These are just prototypes… I’m still working on whether to cut out the ears or not and I’ll print them on better paper so you don’t see the floppy white from the back. They’ve also been mangled by a slobbery curious baby. I might glue gun a paper tail on the back too… not sure.

What do you think internet? It is National Delurking Week afterall!


  • rosie


    It’s more of a surprise that way. Otherwise, people will be checking out the goody bags the whole time instead of celebrating your punkin’s big day.

  • Jen

    De-lurking after an embarrassingly long period of lurking on this most beautiful blog. You are so creative and talented!! I am going to go with PLASTIC here. Love the way the round delicious candy pink gumballs look.

  • ioi

    Now that you’re probably done reading all of your comments…. I was all for the plastic because the gumballs look so neat. But, I like the ‘whole’ cat look of the paper bag. I think the best suggestion that you got so far was the ‘paper bag with a plastic window. I think that would be perfect. Also, the tail idea is good, but I would use pink pipe cleaners. You could bend them, and they’d be fuzzy. As for cut out ears or not… that’s hard to tell. I like the message on the back, but the dark color on the front seems overwhelming. Cut out? Maybe pick a lighter than pink color for the kitty head’s background? Just thoughts. Have fun!

  • Michelle

    Plastic!! Although after just reading ioi’s comment above she has some good ideas…I especially like the pipe cleaner tail.

  • Kerry


    I can’t figure out which way to vote on the bags. At first I liked the paper, but then I agreed with the people who liked seeing the gumballs, but I wasn’t ready to give up on the paper….and so I just can’t decide.

    But I’m delurking, because I think you deserve to know I’ve been reading your blog almost every day since Baby Bug was a couple months old, and it’s one of my favorites.

  • lei

    i originally liked the paper, but now i think the plastic is cute as it would look like a little cat body, particularly if you did the tail thing :)

  • Eralynn

    hard too choose….I think the plastic is more visually appealing, but I would add a pipe cleaner tail somehow. The cellophane bags also sound good too. These are so creative- good job.

  • Joy

    Love the plastic. I wish I was half as creative as you! I really enjoy seeing the ideas you come up with for the parties you plan. Great job!

  • stephanie

    delurking to cast my vote…both are super cute…i like the idea of both – paper with a plastic window…perhaps the kitty could have a pink gumball belly.

    love reading your blog, thanks for such fun posts! baby bug is such a gem!

  • Admirer of Creativity

    I LOVE them both and it’s hard but need to go with Toby and do both. Your website and creativity is AWESOME!

  • BeachMama

    Wow, delurking really brings out everyone, congrats!!

    My thoughts, not that you need another one, are plastic with the ears not cut out.

    I do love them both, but the plastic shows the gumballs and the ears not cut out makes it look a little, tiny bit neater.

    As for the smaller(younger) guests. Could you do up a batch of baby friendly cat cookies? That might be easier than sewing lumpy cats, although not as cute :)

  • Jamie

    I like the plastic…just seems more colorful. Very cute!

    My youngest daughter’s birthday is in March and I’m already thinking about the theme. But I’m not nearly as talented as you! Sigh…

  • gorillabuns

    what’s wrong with me? i like paper vs plastic. you know to save the environment. no really, i like the lack of definition in the ears with the paper.

    but both are equally cute and beautiful!

  • Paige


    it is more environmentally friendly (except for the whole dyed part), but more importantly, it seems like it would take less time.

  • comfortablycrazy

    I like IOI’s idea about paper with a plastic belly. But I think the palstic with cut out ears is cute as is. Whatever you choose it’ll be great. Tell BB she’s got a few more months, and teeth, before I can sneak her a gumball.

  • Melanie

    From one creative Mum to another. I am delurking to say I LOVE how creative you are! I have made all my invites and bags for the last 5 years and the fun never wears off.
    I like the plastic so you can see the gumballs and I like the paper so Kitty doesn’t have a staple in the middle of its head!
    This post makes we want to go out and chew on some gumballs! I would have made myself sick doing “quality control” by now!

  • hotrodhanna

    Call me crazy, but i’m voting for paper. Its cool to see what’s inside the bag… but I was thinking ‘ooo…sugar’ and got distracted from the cute kitty face on the bag!

  • Lucia

    They both look great, but paper is easier to recycle I think (?) so I would go with that if it was me. You are so clever to make all that stuff though – unbelievably cute stuff! x

  • Jen

    Delurking to say “Plastic” although paper is more environmentally friendly. They’re both cute! Great job! xo

  • Heather

    I’m not sure which I like best. I would have to see the paper with the ears cut out, and maybe the tail applied before I could make a decision.

  • joely

    Delurking! Love love SAJ and baby bug is beyond cute! I call my bebe Meatball, he’s 18 mos. Sometimes I think I’m crafty, but then I visit your website and reality hits. So, like, I know I’m not in your crafty “leage” and all ;) … and hardly qualified to judge, but since you asked … plastic! I cannot resist the look of those pink gumballs. To quote my bebe, “me want!” …