I forgot to pick a category


Scratch what I wrote earlier. It’s day two of coloring and today she only wants to EAT the crayons.


  • Oopsy Daisy

    I hate to tell you this, but you’d better forget about her being an accountant. I have an artists soul and my kids were born with an artists soul as well. It’s all in the gene’s.

    With Baby Bug coming from TWO artists you might as well just put that paint brush/camera/PC mouse in her hand right now. ;-)

  • dee

    My son is 19 months and I’m still trying to convince him that it is better to color with the crayons than eat them. Right now it seems like he’ll have blue teeth forever! He does at least color for about 30 seconds before the crayon makes it to his mouth though. I guess there IS some hope.

  • Sarah

    ha! I was about to leave you a comment saying how amazingly impressed I was that she didn’t eat the crayons. I bought some special small hand adapted crayons recently, Felix was so happy carrying them around the story. Little did I know, all he wanted to do was put them in his mouth.

    (I am so still amazingly impressed with Baby Bug anyhow…so cute and smiley…if you are lucky she will have an artist’s soul AND be good with numbers…)

  • Gramma

    Remember Great-great-grandma Beatrice Mathilda was a graduate of Pennsylvania Museum School of Art in Philadelphia. She did fantastic water colors and charcoal sketches. This was back in the early ’20’s.

  • OMSH

    bwahahahahaha … good girl. She’s so “with it” – trying to ingest her aesthetic desires to grow them deep into her soul.

    She loves color so much she just has to EAT IT UP!

  • Felix

    LOL! I feel better now. I haven’t given Baby Felix any crayons yet ’cause I know she will just eat them. Then I saw your post and was ready to go out and buy some tonight…maybe I’ll stick with the aquadoodle (nothing to eat). :)

    I’m convinced that BF will be a dancer or singer – she just loves music and bounces around the instant she hears a beat she likes. Just adorable.

  • Lin

    Okay, that’s more like a year-old baby…crayons as an appetizer. Makes me feel much better about Baby Sophie’s development!

  • aunt kathy

    All four of my kids were born with art in their veins and not a artistic bone in the body of their mom! It must have skipped a couple of generations. It’s probably from their dad. I don’t think bb stands a chance. Maybe you’ve got a budding Rembrandt? Encourage it.

  • nila

    Don’t all great artists start out by eating their crayons? It must help them become more familiar with their medium, which is a very important part of the creative process. I’ll bet the blue’s the yumiest.