artsy fartsy,  Life Lessons,  Moody Blues

Moving past the train wreck post…

Oooh look pretty colors! Vintage flour sack fabric! Yay! I love old prints like this. I was taking pictures of my collection for one of my sister-in-laws (I have many, the one who lives up in Oregon) who might make Baby Bug a quilt for Christmas and I thought, “Hey, these pictures are kinda neat. Maybe I’ll post them on my blog.”

No time is better than the present to move some attention off my “blogging while under the influence of pms” post. Ugh. I hate admitting I was pms-ing. (As if you all are going to pull out your handy dandy notebook and log in what day it is so you can watch me flip out again twenty-four days from now…) I didn’t even know I was pms-ing. I kinda stopped keeping track of my cycle days sixteen months ago. I guess I better get back in the habit of it. I hate being blind-sided by crazy emotions. I hate being embarrassed of my blog posts. But at the same time I’m glad I blogged about it.

You guys have a lot of good advice and reading a bunch of comments from nice concerned readers sure beats medication or a trip to the shrink. I learned a lot from yesterday’s post. I learned that I need to acknowledge that I have trouble managing my anger. Crazy, but I didn’t really realize that before. Looking up that page on anger was very helpful. But the most important thing I learned is that it is possible to manage your anger for the sake of your kids. This gives me hope. Thank you Internet.

So that’s that.

What do you think of all the pretty flour sack fabric swatches? I know some people won’t like them. It’s weird how tastes change from generation to generation. My mom and I have complete opposite tastes in colors and combinations. I, however, LOVE these colors and combos. I just want to collect more and more. Maybe make a quilt entirely out of old flour sacks. Now that would be cool.

I bought these one yard pieces at an estate sale for 25 cents each. I thought it was a total deal and the lady who sold them to me thought she was making a killing. Funny how that works. What’s that saying about somebody’s junk is someone else’s treasure?

Which is just another way of saying I should lighten up about my mom and all her junk. I’m going to take your advice, internet, and next time I visit I’m not going to lift a finger to help out around the house. (That was the third thing I learned from you guys.)

Peace out.


  • BeachMama

    Love those flour sacks, they will make a great quilt.

    Sorry to hear you have to admit to pmsing. That must such. When I crave chocolate, then I stop and realize that the time will be arriving soon.

  • Ariel

    LOVE the fabrics. I too collect fun remainders and swatches and tea towels and the like. I have grandiose quilting plans that will most likely never see the light of day. But I still love the fabrics!

  • Saartje

    Thanks for leaving the “train wreck” post up. I appreciated being able to go read the rest of the comments.

    Those flour sacks are gorgeous, and I love that Baby Bug was getting in on the action. If (when?) you make a quilt from them, please be sure to share it with us here.

  • hazelblackberry

    Some of those fabrics are really beautiful. If you have too many for one quilt maybe you could make (or get made) a couple – one for summer, one for winter? Or one each for good moods and bad moods!

  • Jennifer

    I really like all those fabrics. For some reason whenever I try to quilt my quilts look kinda lame. I’ve been knitting cuddle blankets for my kids (and other peoples’ kids) lately. I really enjoy that.

  • jailgy

    I love to quilt. I’m trying to get your mom to quilt with me. It would clear out some of the clutter, maybe. She could do it here.

  • Liane

    Very cool vintage fabric…and by the way, I think PMS is the only time we see the world clearly but I’m also a pessimist by nature.

  • jP

    I think we can find a scrappy quilt pattern that incorporated a lot of different fabrics. Let me know how busy you want it to look. I can’t wait to get started. j

  • Gramma

    Those almost 30’s prints are beautiful. Sadly though, the weave is too loose to make a lasting quilt. Would be great for a wall hanging though.

  • Rose

    ‘LOVE the fabrics & so does Baby Bug … and LOOK … she has on the outfit I sent her!!!
    In my humble opinion … PMS is just nature’s way of allowing women a chance to let a little steam escape … instead of keeping everything inside all nicey nice until they REALLY EXPLODE!!!

  • carrien

    I got blindsided by PMS for months after my cycle restarted again. After two kids and breastfeeding I had gone almost 5 whole years without a monthly cycle and so it was so hard to remember that maybe that’s why I feel like crap.

    The solution? Got pregnant again, and felt like crap for 3 months straight instead. :)

  • samantha

    You might be able to make (or have someone make) some simple pillowcase dresses from the fabric – I think they’re super cute!

    I get broadsided from PMS, as well. It really sucks; usually Husband figures it out before I do…