• Niece-com-poops

    V is for Vivi!

    This is my newest niece Vivi! Short for Vivian. She was born born July 18th at 7:20 am. (Shame on me for not posting this sooner but that was the crazy week. Wait, every week is crazy…) Vivian was 8lbs 7.2oz and 20.5 inches.

    Her mom says she is a very easy baby. “Her cry is soft, and she is rarely fusy. She travels so far better than her sister at this age. Her eyes are a muted blue and her hair is dark chocolate brown. She is already wearing size 3-6 mos. and size 2 diaper. She sleeps from 11pm to 4am.”

    Wowie Zowie! Watch out Baby Bug there’s a new kid in town.