• Beach Bits,  Family Matters,  The Hood

    Relatives Visit!

    While you all were duking it out over bumper pads and cribs from the 70’s, (which I appreciate, by the way, and I intend to give you an update on that whole saga soon) I was out galavanting the town with Toby’s sister, brother-in-law and my little one-year-old niece, Emster. We took them to The Wedge, a local surf/body surfing spot that is famous. The surf wasn’t as high as it has been other times I’ve been there, but it was still pretty impressive.

    The Wedge is a spot where the waves come in at an angle into a corner between the shore and the man-made jetty. The back wash from those waves pushes up against the incoming wave and creates massive walls of water. It’s pretty scary. People die there every year. Sometimes we can see the white caps of the waves all the way from the other side of the harbor.

    We sat in the sun and watched the body surfers kamakazi themselves through a few waves and then headed back home. On our way home we hit the fun zone and took the ferry back, for kicks. We also got inspired to make a reservation to take a Duffy Boat out the next day. That’s what you do when you live around here and people come to visit you from out of town.

    Next post: Baby Bug’s first ride in a Duffy Boat and LOTS of pictures…