Family Matters,  Niece-com-poops,  Tis the Season

Pumpkin Patch 2005

What’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys? A pumpkin patch with a bunch of nieces! I love fall. I love pumpkins. I love it that my brother moved back to California from Chicago and I get to see my family all the time.

Today was actually a surprise. I thought they were going to be spending time with the other side of the family. I thought I was just going to force my mom to go to the pumpkin patch with me. We had so much fun when we discovered it last year. But then my brother surprised me and they joined us. The pumpkins weren’t as cool looking as they were last year (less stripes, more plain old orange) but it sure was fun to have nieces with me. Holidays are all about kids. I can’t wait until next year when my kid will be here.

My kid was not left out as you can see. I wore my old orange shirt that is too small on purpose so I could fit in with all the pumpkins. My belly fit in so well that if you thought it was a pumpkin and you put it through their pumpkin sizing board, you could buy it for $7.50! Not bad!

I know it’s a lot of pictures of my family but I use this blog as a record of my personal history and I know theses pictures are going to special for a long time.

Next up: Carving!