• Bug,  Family Matters,  fitness,  half assed posts,  instagram,  place holder posts,  Slow News Day,  spilling my guts,  the dogs

    All for now.


    If you ask me what I’ve been up to lately my eyes will glaze over while my mind struggles to bring up a directory of activities. I know a lot has been going on but I can’t really say what it’s been exactly. Work, kids, puppies…I guess that pretty much sums it up. If you have work, kids and/or puppies you probably understand the glazed over spinny-ball look in my eyes that eternally says, Please hold. You also understand why my eyes have dark circles under them and my yoga leggings are covered in a thin layer of white fur.


    Payam and I were lamenting the other day that we sure didn’t realize what a ninety-degree-turn the puppies would take our lives.  We knew it would be complicated but really? Really?!! Were things going too well? Did we have to turn it up this much?

    Everything good in life takes work. Just like babies, the stages are fleeting and I have to remind myself to appreciate them while they last because someday I’ll be looking at big lazy grown dogs and I’ll pine for the days when they nuzzled my neck with their wet noses and chewed on my hair. One of these days they will not greet me with their whole mouth open.

    I really shouldn’t complain because they are both super sweet dogs. Cody is slow and patient and super adorable like a big dopey oaf of a dog. He’s not as quick and crazy as Whiskey, or as emotional, but he’s bigger so when he jumps up he knocks things over and makes a bigger mess.  He loves water and regularly sleeps with his head in his water bowl. His paws are giant and he makes big wet sloshy footprints all over the house. He loves to eat and is ruled supremely by his stomach.

    Whiskey on the other hand is a bit emo. He will pout and whine if things don’t go his way. His tail is super expressive. If he’s happy, it flies at full-mast like a flag for everyone to see. He trots along on walks with it stuck straight up in the air like he is king of the world and everything is going his way. But when he’s sad, he puts his nose down and looks up at you through his messy hair just like a punk kid with long bangs. His eyes are strangely human-like (when you can see them) and sometimes it feels like he’s reading your mind and judging you. But then he’ll pop up and run around like a squirrel going batshit crazy and I guess that means he’s forgiven you. He loves games and will taunt and tease Cody until they have a lively brawl going.

    We often get mad at Cody for picking on Whiskey because he’s bigger but if you watch them carefully you see that Whiskey actually instigates the play and he fully deserves any take-downs that Cody might give him. Oh puppies…


    This is all very challenging because they got fixed this week. We were going to do one puppy at a time but then when we realized it might be easier to get it all over with with one fell swoop. Two dogs with cones is better than one dog with a cone when it comes to evening things up.  It’s been a bit like Medieval Times at our house with endless cone-head jousting going on. The poor things.

    They have giant lampshades on their heads and no sense of depth perception. They hit things like walls, water bowls, couches, my legs, each other at 100 miles per hour and it’s amazing they have not shattered their cones to smithereens. Cody has cracked his cone on the edge and I have a feeling Whiskey is not too far behind. I can’t believe they have to leave these things on for fourteen days. I’m hoping the vet is like the doctor counting drinks and when they say fourteen days, I’m hoping they really mean seven.


    Spring is here or it was, I should say. Last week it was really warm and  I took a bunch of photos with flowers.  I have to say I am loving the jobs I’ve been getting lately for photography and styling. I think I will soon be able to ramp it up and buy a professional lens that actually focuses in low light.


    Bug has some sort of stomach virus for a week now. She’s not been able to keep food down since Monday and she’s lost three pounds, which on her is a lot. Her knees are knobby and her hip bones stick out more than usual which makes me worry of course. The doctor said not to worry unless it lasts for more than two weeks so we’ve been giving her anti-nausea medicine and attempting to keep her on the BRAT diet. We’ve been picking up her homework from school daily and in between waves of nausea she’s been in pretty good spirits, getting things done. It has been nice to have a little person around the house but I miss the old smiley Bug. I’m sure she’ll be better soon.

    Anyway, I just thought I’d check in and wave. (Hi Gingermog!) I often have daydreams of writing daily and getting back into my old swing of blogging (I miss it.) but I don’t want to promise anything and set myself up for failure. I have been going to yoga nearly every day for about five months now so that’s a huge win for me but, like usual, I only manage to keep at most four or five balls in the air at one time. Right now my five balls are: cooking dinner regularly (yay!), puppies (arg, I’m so tired!), kids (yay! except the sick one which is boo, sad.), yoga (arg, I’m so tired.) and work (yay! I love my job[s] when I get to them.). Any more than that is likely to throw off my balance.

    I do like a challenge though so maybe I’ll try to get back here once a week. If only for my own personal record not because any of you are hanging on my every word.  (Puppies, snore! Yoga, snore! Cooking, snore! Kids, hmmmm…I can’t really write the funny stuff because that’s *so embarrassing mom* when you are nine and ten.

    All for now! xo

  • Bug,  fitness,  Funny Fashion,  party party

    Sk8ting Queens: It’s ON!


    Bug got it in her head that she wanted to have a skating party for her ninth birthday this year. It’s probably based on fond memories as a four-year-old skating at her cousin’s  super-cool twelfth birthday party. Bug loves to dress like a tweenager (much to my chagrin) and she is totally into stripey knee socks and short shorts. In fact, she might be more into skater fashion than she is actually into skating itself.

    Before I chunked out the money for a skating party, I thought we should check out the skating rink scene. You know, to make sure Bug doesn’t spend the whole time sitting on the floor while her friends skate the day away. That wouldn’t be very fun. And I didn’t even know what it would be like either since we’re not in the sticks anymore where they have the grooviest stuck-in-time roller rink.

    We checked out a local rink. The thing is, this rink is a roller hockey rink primarily. From the outside it looks like a sports arena and it’s all decked out in hockey-themed gear. I’ve driven by it many times and it hasn’t even made a blip on my radar because it’s so obviously for BOYS who play hockey. I thought it was an ice rink for teams for the longest time.


    However, it was close by. Proximity gets major points in my book. If I could park my car forever and walk everywhere, I’d be a happy mom. I checked out the rink online and, sure enough, they have a public skate session conveniently right after school. So off we headed.

    We geared up and took to the surprisingly empty rink. We had the place all to ourselves!

    And then we fell flat on our faces. Thankfully there was nobody watching but it was a bit painful.

    Well, I didn’t fall. I used to rollerblade back in the day so I thought it was pretty fun but the girls did NOT. They could not keep upright on these newfangled inline skates at all. It was miserable. They kept hanging out in the pits on the side and sitting on the floor. I thought for sure this skating party idea was not going to happen and what did that mean? Should I plan a skate-wear fashion show party instead? As cool as that sounds it just felt like a fraud to me.

    If Bug wants to dress like a skater girl, she should skate!!


    So we went back a second day.

    And a third.


    By the third day they discovered “walkers” which are these really cool PVC pipe roller things that you can hold onto. Those things were the bomb. Before I knew it, they were cruising all over the rink and having the time of their lives. I’m truly surprised at how quickly the girls improved. By the end of the third day they were choreographing their own dance moves that even included (walker assisted) jumps and twirls.


    And that means the Sk8ter Party is ON! Are they fierce or what?  I’m thinking some crazy socks are in my future and maybe even a rink membership. It’s only $40 for a year!! So cheap!