house stuff!,  Thriftstore Thursday

Thrifty Thursday, for old time’s sake.

The dog deterrent does not deter cats.

I wasn’t going to blog about this because it seems kind of silly but I went thrift store shopping yesterday and last week as well. The reality is: I’m thinking about my new apartment all the time. My brain is in the clouds decorating away while I mindlessly pack and try to squeeze in a few work projects around the edges. My clients are not getting my best work this week and it’s terrible.

For some reason I got a bee in my bonnet that I really wanted to get a couch for super cheap out here in the sticks where people don’t even know what “mid-century modern” is. I got lucky once with my desk and I keep thinking I’ll get lucky again. Especially now that I have a new space to fix up and a moving truck to fit furniture in.

To tell you the truth I kind of hate it that I’ve jumped on the hipster bandwagon with all the mid-century modern stuff but you like what you like, right? I promise you I will not be putting up any “Keep Calm” posters though. Promise. Hope to die, poke a needle in my bloodshot eye.

$100 too much?

What do you think? It’s pretty isn’t it? I’m not so keen on the princess lines on the bottom but I love the color and the tufted button things and the lowness of it. It’s like I want to have Betty Draper over for martinis. Actually I don’t. I have nothing to say to that girl. The whole show is depressing but I love the style so much!

So I bought the dang chair and I’m in love with it. It was marked $125 but I talked them down to $75 which impresses even me because I hate bartering. I’m the girl who bought one dollar necklaces for $15 when I was in Tijuana the first time. I just hate haggling. It feels insulting or something. But I made an exception because I felt like this chair was going to be that chair and I would always regret not buying it.

The gold chairs are not sure they like each other.

The new gold chair doesn’t really go with my old gold chair but I think if I keep ’em separated they’ll get along. Or introduce them gradually like noirbettie advised. I think it’s going to look smashing against the turquoise wall. Did I tell you about that?

Emerald Coast

My new apartment complex had some kind of gimmick where you can get an accent wall painted for free. I think it’s really silly. I don’t need a painted wall or a free bike or a coffee cup to make me move into a place. How about $100 off the rent every month and double-pained windows? Now that would sell me. But anyway, since they were giving away a free painted wall, I figured I might as well take them up on it.

They wanted me to pick from a palette of mauve, dusty blue, sandy taupe and some other forgettable color but since I don’t think I’m going to live there forever I decided I wanted to paint it something really ridiculous: like the brightest, most intense turquoise I could find at the local big box hardware store.

I see some turquoise paint in my future.

Bug loves it of course. My family thinks I am insane but I think it will be fun. Yes, I probably will eventually hate it. Maybe it will reflect blue all over the rest of my house and ruin all my photos. I guess we’ll find out. But I do think it will look fabulous next to my new gold chair.

and a fondue pot and mumu for Deb

I also bought a fondue pot ($2.35!!) and a crazy fun mumu for my friend Deb. I love thrift stores. Now I just need to get back to work so I can afford my new apartment and all my super fun thrift store finds. Le Sigh.


  • Sam

    I painted my very first rented big girl room that color and I loved it- I still think about it fondly. I think you’ll love it! And hey- the good thing about paint is that it can always be redone if you don’t.

  • sizzle

    I’ve always loved mid-century style and feel happy that my house is from that era so all my furniture goes well with it. I totally would have bought that chair too. I hate haggling for the same reason!

  • Ninabi

    Oooh- I am so excited for you- the new place is going to be amazing. I haven’t decorated much with yellow but the chair just looks so bright and gracious. And I want to see the wall when it’s done as I’ve always been a bit of a coward when it comes to the shades I paint my walls (chocolate and earth tones).

    I hope everything goes smoothly for you and Bug.

  • Jen

    I hope you don’t get booted out of the city of neutral tones with that wall :P haha. I think it will look great.

  • Christine

    I had no idea what mid-century modern was when we moved into our (1960s-built) house two years ago – I just knew that I wanted something plain with straight lines that was nothing like all the ornate furniture I saw in the big stores, but more solid than Ikea stuff, in nice wood. It turned out, what I wanted was mid-century modern Danish, and now I adore it. But I can’t afford it because all the hipsters want it too. Sigh. It’s so tragic to have innately great taste.

  • Kate

    Love the accent color and love the chair. I totally agree it would have been “the chair that got away.”

  • gingermog

    Thanks, I know its just a co -incidence but I feel after my last comment like the post was a special Thrifty-in the-sticks just for me :) I’d love to stroll down Columbia Road flower market the Goulbourne Road flea market with you xx

  • BeachMama

    I love the new chair and the blue! Blue is my favorite decorating colour, apparently decorating in blue says something about how well you handle things or something like that. I think it will look bright and fabulous and I can’t wait to see your moving in photos. Best wishes this weekend, wish I could be there to help… I did check flights but nothing in the ‘cheap enough’ category :)

  • mamalang

    I love the turquoise wall, but it will make everything have a blue tint in your photos :)

    I am so darn excited for you and bug and this next chapter. Thanks for sharing it with us :)

  • Elizabeth

    LOVE your new Betty Draper fainting chair (ha! ha!) and your coming-soon turquoise wall. Do it! It will be so fabulous! I am really excited to follow your decorating saga.

  • Cathy

    Love the turquoise! Wow! And the chair too. I had one that got away many years ago and I *still* think about it. Glad you go yours.

  • Saple

    I hate that the hipsters have jumped on the mid century modern bandwagon because now my ever loved style is cliche….. but I am keeping it.. ps love the turquoise