• 15 minute posts,  artsy fartsy,  Bug,  movies

    Gobble Gobble Gurkeys!

    I wanted to share this on Thanksgiving or the day before Thanksgiving but then I remembered all next week and the week after that and the week after that… is going to be taken up with book tour posts and some of you (who are not like me) like to plan crafts AHEAD of time instead on the actual day. What a strange concept. Anyway, this is a song Bug has been singing all the live-long day because they are practicing it at school for a Thanksgiving concert (it’s so adorable). So I made some turkeys for her to puppet dance with.

    dancing turkey printable on my blaugue.

    Here they are for you if you’d like to play along. And yes, you have to cut those little circles out. That’s what exacto knives were invented for.