Bug,  fitness,  The Hood

Two Miles of No-Strollering Fun


We did it! We did the local Two Mile Fun Walk! Walking two miles is really no big deal for us seasoned walkers except that we did it without our beloved jogging stroller!!! That stupid $@#@$% stroller.

Granted, the stroller was a freebie and we do leave it outside in the weather day in and day out. So it should be no surprise that all the wheels are cracked from sun damage. On most days the tires are nearly flat but it hobbles along pretty well anyway. It takes us over sand, grass, rock and gravel. It’s probably been on more adventures than most strollers just because of it’s superior light frame, the giant bike-sized wheels and the fact that I’m not afraid to get it dirty. It’s a freebie, who cares! It’s an off-roading stroller and we love it. Yeah, it veers a little to the left but I make it work.

thumbs up!

On the morning of the race Bug and I got up super early. We slathered on sun screen, scraped a brush through our hair, ate a quick power breakfast and then rolled to the nearest gas station to pump up the tires. I’m pretty good at this tire-pumping business. We probably do it once a month. All the tires really needed air but the left one was particularly bad because the valve stem was sideways and you know what that means. It’s probably cut by the metal frame of the wheel. But whatever. We pumped it up and hoped for the best.

watching the women's race

Five minutes later we were wheeling our way around the crowd at the start line. The Women’s 5K race is before the Fun Walk and people were everywhere smiling, laughing and cheering. It’s very easy to get caught up in the excitement of the big race. I did notice that the stroller was leaning to the left but it always does that a little bit so I ignored it. Besides here we were in the middle of all the excitement. It’s fun! Race day! Woo hoo!


Then a nice lady pointed out my very very very flat left tire. I looked down and it was the saddest thing I have ever seen. Cracked rubber riding on metal. No wonder Bug was almost falling out the left side of the stroller. So I did what anyone would do. I parked that sad miserable jogger stroller by a trash can and got in line for the race/walk anyway. It’s not like anybody is going to steal a very faded jogger stroller with a bum wheel.

My only concern was whether or not I could make it to the finish line carrying Bug. I knew she’d walk/run a lot of it but she is NOT the world’s fasted walker. Thankfully there were a lot of other kids running the fun walk too so she tried her best to keep up with them. It helped a lot.

Go Super Girl! Go! buddies

We had so much fun. I don’t know why I worried so hard. I did have to carry her quite a bit but it was fun and the camaraderie you enjoy while walking and talking with the other participants completely takes your mind off how much your arms might be aching from carrying a thirty-one pound child. And really, she is pretty light. She grabs onto me like a monkey and we walk along more balanced than you’d expect. I know I’m lucky. I’ve held other kids her size before and they were an instant backache.

running the line us

Keep on going!

we did it!

We made it all the way to the end and made some new friends along the way. I love this race and I hope to keep doing it for as long as we live here. It’s such a great family-oriented event and you feel super healthy and relaxed for the rest of the day. I wish I could do this every day. Maybe next year Bug will run the whole thing. My dream is that we do a marathon together someday. That would be the ultimate.

running with her buddy getting her well-earned tatoo

And of course we’ll get tattoos when we finish. It’s tradition!


  • silver

    Way to go for both of you! I don’t think I could do a two mile walk with my preschooler and no stroller.

  • a chris

    That’s great! Bug’s getting old enough to start remembering these things, and I think this is one of those events that make for great nostalgia when you’re all grown up. Sounds like it’ll be a good memory for you both!

    Since you and Bug can do two miles without a stroller now, maybe you don’t need to think about new inner tubes anymore?


    Very cool! It’s amazing how much energy kids have!! So I’ve got to ask – was your stroller still there when you were done?

    SAJ says: It was. :)

  • nicole

    dels did a 5k with me and denise, kitty, erin and so on this spring and she ran 4 of the 5k. i was amazed. kids have way more get-up-and-go then we think sometimes…especially when other kids are participating. bravo bug.

  • Lady in a Smalltown

    We have a 5K FunRun every year for Girls on the Run. My friends’ little girl ran the whole thing when she was 4 and has done nearly every one since. Of course, I had to miss it last year because my son decided that was the day he wanted to be born.

  • jaynette

    The cousins did a 5K Saturday. M will run the marathon with you. He wants to run one before he graduates in 3 years. Bug should be able to walk the whole thing next year.

  • Gramma

    Your mom says that a new tire is pretty cheap. Check the rim first to see if there are any crimps or bends

  • lynne

    Great that your getting Bug involved in exercise so young. I seem to remember you running in a local race just after your new Bug was on the way. Is this the same event?

  • Kuky

    Yay for Bug! Sometimes we walk to the store down the street from us. It’s ok going down but coming back sometimes Isabelle complains that’s she’s tired. And that’s not even a mile the entire trip.