• Buckeroomama

    That was SO adorable!!

    The last bit, –“I want to see!” — that is so like my 2-year old after every single photo or video that I take of her. :)

  • citystreams

    That’s one stinkin’ cute kiddo you’ve got there! I love the artful placement of her fingers beside her nose. As if she’s thinking about picking it again. And then another swipe. Too cute!

  • Katie

    She does a very good version of Baby Beluga. :) Of course I laughed at the “I want to see” because mine does that too. Just when I catch him being cute on film he wants to see it.

  • margalit

    My son’s absolute favorite song at that age was Baby Beluga. I took him to see Raffi by himself at 2.5 and he got a concert t-shirt with the baby beluga on it and wore it for YEARS and YEARS. I took both kids to see Raffi at Symphony Hall the following winter and it was just the best time ever. All the parents were singing along, and the kids were dancing in the aisles. That Raffi, he knows how to get kids rocking!

    But the nose picking? Hopefully she will outgrow it long before my son. He still does it. He is SO gross.

  • Camels & Chocolate

    OMG, kids still sing Baby Beluga??? I still know every word! I had a much younger sis who was born in 1988, and all I got to listen to until I was a teen was Raffi! How funny!

  • pinky

    that was so cute – the singing was adorable, but the nose-picking made me laugh out loud!

    my 20-year-old nephew listened to baby beluga when he was little!

  • Jackee

    She’s the next American Idol!!!!
    Too darn cute.

    I left something on my blog for you, please go check it out!

  • (another) bethany

    adorable :). love the side dish, i’m beginning to think the picking never stops! fynn always has to see, and has started commandeering the camera for himself. MY take picture!

  • Uncle George

    Oh WOW, a super big thank you my dear sweet BB!! That was just the best song and present ever, I loved it and love you so very much.

    Man, do I miss that girl. Please come up and visit soon. Anthony’s got a new speed boat and he’s re-plumbing the cabin, I hope you all come up to the lake this summer!!!

    If you do, me and BB are going fishing and swimming!
