Alpha+Mom post

Small Stuff

What's up small stuff?

What’s up with the small toolbox? I’ll tell you! It’s my new Father’s Day craft over at Alpha+Mom.

The next question is: what to do with all those Altoids?! I will mod podge any SAJ art of your choice onto the top of an Altoid tin and give it to the person who can create something better than this:

altoid castle

Then again if you’re that creative you probably don’t need my stinkin’ mod podge tin.


  • Rebecca

    This is awesome! Would you consider making a template for washers too?

    SAJ says: Done! Thank you!

  • Sonja

    Hmmm, how about a curiously strong necklace? Or a bracelet? Though perhaps, since Altoids are so curiously strong, you could remove stains with them? :)

  • Jennifer

    Hehe. I have your “castle” as a centerpiece on my dining room table. It makes me laugh and the kids are so excited that you left it, HAHAHAHAHA.


    Do we have to actually create it, or is the idea good enough?

    I would stamp them with a small stamp, cover with modge podge and then glue a magnet to the back. I have just the stamps to use . . . butterflies and dragonflies!

    It’s the end of the school year, so all I need is the time to do it!

  • Lisa

    I like the curiously strong necklace idea, but I’d probably just throw them at people. Or make an Altoids cocktail.

  • Ana aka Mrs. Mom

    This is an awesome idea! Altoids boxes are great for crafts, I once made a watercolor and a survival kit that I still have with me.

    mmmm (Thinking of what to do with the leftover altoids)… I guess I would crush them, make a little tube from a big straw, make a nice little tag and turn them into “pixy-sticks” for adults.

  • BeachMama

    I think this is such a fun and cute idea. Especially if Dad actually eats Altoids! I used to spray pain all those metal cookie tins I would get full of chocolate and cookies at Christmas time. I have tons of green tins, they don’t match my kitchen now that it is blue ;).

  • Katie

    I think you should make one of these for Bug painted green with maybe a frog or a green little guy on it. I can’t possibly think of all of the different graphics of yours I’ve seen but I know you have many cute green things… And since Bug still loves green…

    You could also make a little photo album to fit in the mini toolbox. If someone had photos of their kids (or kid) making something with their dad, they could put those photos inside of your cute little toolbox. :)

    As for what to do with all the altoids, I say gifting them to your dear friend who loves them is a good idea.

  • Katie

    Or another altoid idea.. Make a polka dot piece of art work. Paint the altoids many different colors and glue them onto a canvas. I can’t think of the artist who made a big painting with a white background and multi colored dots on it.. Something like that…. but with more depth because the dots are altoids instead of painted on the canvas.

    It would be a good conversation starter at any rate.

  • gingermog

    I love these cute little tool boxes :) The first time I came across Altoids was I was first in New York about ten years ago, where I saw a huge advert on the side of a building advertising them as British…? As I’d never come across them before I was curious. Eventually I found a few dusty but cool tin boxes in a corner shop in South London. I wonder why they are not advertised in the UK? Although thanks to Wikipedia I now find they are made in Tennessee, so I guess they aren’t British any more. Ah well tic-tac any one?