Bug,  Niece-com-poops,  the sticks

The Screaming Mimi’s

winter in the sticks

The sticks are so good to me. One, I can make as much mess as I want out here and it’s not like anybody is going to notice and two, I have babysitters galore.

I know you’re thinking of CC and my mom, who are really great babysitters. But you know who the BEST babysitter is of all? SuperChic. Yep. She and Bug play together all day long. Who knew!!! They are sort of close in age but I think it’s more than that. They are kindred spirits or something.

girlz in the hood

I don’t really want to put this down on the internet because I really really don’t believe in favoritism amongst nieces but sometimes SuperChic is not my favorite niece.


This is mostly because SuperChic is FIVE and she is LOUD and she likes to SCREAM. I seem to remember having the same feelings about Rapunzel when she was five. I’m just not that fond of screaming. So you can imagine my chagrin when Baby Bug’s most favorite person in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD, worth screaming over, is SuperChic! Baby Bug nearly wets her pants with excitement every time SuperChic makes an arrival on the scene.

Baby Bug LOVES SuperChic. It’s adorable, in a screaming sort of way. It’s all super fun and exciting until I have to yell at them because the screaming is too much for me.

trashy magazines

OR I whisk my older niece away and go get my eyebrows waxed and my toenails painted in a nice non-screaming environment like the local strip mall nail salon. Yes, you read that right. I left Baby Bug in the capable hands of my sister-in-law and my screaming niece while I took Rapunzel out for a pedicure. It was so fun. It kind of reminded me of the Brenda and Rapunzel day, weeks before Baby Bug was born. Remember those days? The days before screaming….


It was so nice. But I did sort of miss the screaming after a while.

Footnote: It should be noted that Baby Bug probably screams more than Super Chic… just so you know I’m not painting the picture unfairly.


  • Laurie

    I love it – the screaming and the toes a great contrast! I love doing fun girly stuff with my niece and it gives me a great break from the “boys”!

  • andrea

    How lucky for BB to have Super Chic to hang out with and keep her busy. I too, could do without screaming five year olds, at least we all know the phase passes (just not quickly enough). Love that you and Rapuzel got to take a break and spend some quality auntie time together.

  • Michelle in Cincinnati

    I wonder if “The Screaming Mimi’s” could team up with Whoorl’s “Humming Buritas”? All of today’s pics are gorgeous! Super Chic is a beauty! I’ll change my name to Michelle in Cincinnati with the new Michelle commenting too…confusion bad, clarity good :o)

  • Shawna

    I wish I had a wonderful aunt to do stuff like that with me. Oh, wait! My aunt DID do stuff like that with me when I was little. And then I became a bitch of a teenager and hated everyone and was mean to my aunt (along with everyone else). Be thankful for all of the screaming going on now–some day you’ll wish your teenage daughter and nieces would revert back to screaming!

  • Spandrel Studios

    How cool that BB looks up to her cousin so much! Of course, the screaming may be hard to take, but I betcha as soon as SuperChic grows out of that phase, Baby Bug won’t be far behind.

  • Gramma

    I am glad of finding the photos. It keeps me up to date. I love the exthusiastic, happy, noisy play. But, early on we learned : What is outside noise goes outside and what is inside noise.can stay inside. Perhaps I was lucky. My five or six shouters obediently went outside when they felt the need of letting off steam with a holler or two or more. Our living in Hawaii ‘s sunshine and trade winds did a lot to encourage “outsiders.”

  • jessicab

    They are adorable.

    I can relate 100% with the screaming. I love my Lil’ Bum, but she is constantly screaming, and squeeling, and screeching. And the worst part is…She’s teaching her brother to do the same thing. The kid is just now almost 6 months old. He hasn’t even said his first word but his new sound is this loud squawking noise that I blame on his sister.

  • Kuky

    The picture of the two of them together is so sweet. Love how BB’s hands are in her pockets.

    And screaming? We love having screaming time. We run around the house chasing each other with arms raised in the air screaming, Ahhhhh!! AAAAHHhhh!! Must drive my husband batty sometimes.

  • OMSH

    Rapunzel’s face is maturing – or is it the haircut? Either way, I’d definitely do for a pedicure over screaming kids anyday – even my OWN screaming kids.

  • bethany actually

    Playmates are the BEST baby-sitters. Soon SuperChic is going to be way more interesting to BB than boring old mom, and you are going to look back wistfully to the days when she wouldn’t leave your side…well, maybe not wistfully. ;-)

  • kvv

    That awesome first photo made me miss Redlands so much. I loved how the snow would get sprinkled on the top the mountains. And those palm trees against the sky–Great photo!

  • lynne

    I remember my nephews at that stage too, they always talked at the top of their voices and oh the fun screaming eek my ears recoil with the memory! Now they are all six foot tall, one in university, one just turned 18 this weekend and the little one just isn’t so little anymore and kindly showed his old auntie how to play on a wii and didn’t snigger when she totally flopped at the tennis game.

  • Clownfish

    B! I love the Citrus-Palm-Snow Capped shot!!! Beautiful

    I can’t wait to see my Sisters and their kids when we give them the flash cards! Less than a week til the road trip to So.Cal.

  • Nila

    That’s the best picture ever. Brought a smile to my face, which I really needed, sitting at work at 3:43am. And those oranges are to die for. I’m pregnant and craving salty oranges.