artsy fartsy,  Bug,  illos,  travel

M is for Monkey and N is for Newt!

M is for Monkey

The letter “M” could be for nothing other than monkey. Monkey Monkey Monkey. Or as Baby Bug calls them, “Oooh Oooh Aaagh Aaaagh’s”. She loves monkeys. I’m already planning her second birthday party in my head (because I’m a freak like that and that’s what I daydream about when I’m bored, like when I’m watching teletubbies). I’m thinking I might plan a Green Monkey party or a Green Hawaiian party. Green because that is Baby Bug’s favorite favorite color and Hawaiian because we will have just gotten back from our trip to Hawaii in December and who knows, maybe I’ll be inspired.

That’s my next big thing. The Dog Days of Summer are officially over and now I can think about Hawaii! I’ve never been to Hawaii. I have a grandfather who lives in Honolulu but he divorced my Grandma and left her with six kids so I’ve never really thought of him as family. He’s a Deadbeat Grandpa I guess. I think I’ve met him twice in my whole life.

Anyway, we’re going to Hawaii because Toby is shooting a couple of houses over there and we are tagging along. It won’t be a crazy touristy trip. I imagine we’ll be stuck stranded in a hotel quite a bit but I can’t complain. If you’re gonna be stuck some where, it might as well be Hawaii.

But back to the letters…. Hawaii is a ways off. I still have three months to get excited about it.

N is for Newt!

“N” is for Newt! This was a bit of a thinker for me. I didn’t want to do Narwhale because what the blankety blank is a Narwhale? Do they even exist? Isn’t that like a unicorn whale from Narnia or something? I thought about doing Nightingale, which is a very cute bird, but Toby is kind of a snob about birds. He has some sort of prejudice against birds from the East Coast. I didn’t want to listen to him going on an on about it so I just skipped it. He’s weird.

Then I googled “animals that start with the letter N” and Newt came up. I love Newts! I almost bought one once way back when I used to live in a lonely apartment in Irvine and I had no pets. They are so cute and little. I was at a pet store holding one, thinking about buying it when suddenly the silly thing just ran off the edge of my hand and landed splat on the floor. He was fine but after that I decided I didn’t really want a Newt as a pet.

Who knows, maybe someday Baby Bug will have an aquarium with a Newt. Newts are cool.

Download your letters here! Oh no! You missed the free letter download. Stay tuned. They will be released again for sale in my shop.


  • Alissa

    Ohh, Hawaii! That is so exciting that you get to go on a cool holiday to such a beautiful place. I’m sure there will be loads more to it than being stranded in a hotel. You and BB make fun wherever you go. When I read your post I thought December that’s almost a year away then realised, as you rightly said, that it’s less than three months away – holy wow where did this year go?

    I love your new masthead but the old one didn’t last very long :)

  • SmocknMama

    OK, I must be quick I’m on the out the door for an appointment with one of my daughters.
    They are Ooh Ooh Aah Aahs at my house too. I call my Flynt MonkeyBoy all the time. Monkeys and cowboys, whoever thought they would have gone together.
    Love the newt. Narwhale are real and the unicorn thing is a tooth and it gets used mostly for communication – just saw a documentary on them the other day – way cool.
    Hawaii – cool. And I have dead beat grandpa too.

  • DeeJay

    I’m right there with you on the Newts. They used to sell fire newts here in town and I even studied up on them so that I didn’t bring them home and promptly kill them. Anyway I ended up not getting them and bought a frog for my aquairium instead. That’s a whole other story! hehe Love the dress on bug with the high tops for shoes. So cute that little one of yours is!

  • whoorl

    Every morning I ask Wito, “where’s the monkey?” and he points to this funny little monkey hat hanging on the wall. Monkeys must be universally loved by all children. Viva la Monkey! (And the newts, too!)

  • Audrey

    Adorable!! We’ve started singing “Five Little Monkeys Jumpin’ on the Bed” and my munchkin has multiple stuffed animal monkeys (no idea why, we just ended up with about five from a baby shower…). Thanks again for these wonderful flashcards!!

  • Amanda

    Ok, I’m loving Newt. Too cute. And Hawaii!!! That’s frigging fantastic! I can’t wait to see pictures from that trip – in December! Have fun planning and getting geared up – it’s half the fun for us. Well, we’re also a bunch of type A planner list makers too, so maybe that stuff isn’t as exciting to most normal people. haha!

  • BeachMama

    Hawaii!!! You will love it I am sure. Not that I have been but, everyone who goes loves it.

    Your cards are awesome, love the newt. And monkeys are always a hit :).

  • Gramma

    Do we have monkey cousins somewhere in the family? Surely Judah has his share of climbing genes. Did you notice ladycsanyi’s next to latest blog?