• Bug,  Niece-com-poops,  the sticks,  Tis the Season

    Pumpkin Time Already!


    I don’t mean to be one of those people who pushes a seasonal holiday on you months before you are ready BUT the pumpkins that my Dad planted last May ripened a little early and needed to be picked. They are very special pumpkins.

    the cousin's pumpkins

    Way back when the pumpkins were little green balls, my Dad snuck out one morning (when nobody was around) and carved his granddaughter’s initials into them as a surprise. The pumpkins have been plumping up over the months but hiding under leaves and grass. The grown-ups knew about them but none of the little girls really noticed their names stretching and stretching across their funny pumpkins.

    Bug's Pumpkin

    So yesterday we had a fun picking-of-the-pumpkins event and of course a mandatory photoshoot.

    goofing off