Bug,  Super Dad

Bug Glasses!

I got a package in the mail today from one of my favorite cousins (yes, you can have more than one favorite). And guess what was inside?!!! Some groovy green glasses for Baby Bug! Rock on!

Sing it with me: “Secret Aaaaaagent BABY!” or maybe she looks more like the old lady from Farside. Either way I’m dying from the cuteness. “Killing me softly with cuteness…” I’m just a jukebox of dumb songs tonight. I know she’s my kid, so every little nuance is cute to me. I can’t help it.

While I was popping these photos off one after the other, like paparazzi, Toby was standing in the doorway watching me with his eyeballs rolling back in his head. He hates how I subject Baby Bug to my various games and costumes and silliness. I guess in his eyes she is all super advanced brain matter and sophistication. I think he forgets that she is half me afterall. Sometimes when I dress her in something especially funny, he says to her: “I’m sorry Baby. I’m sorry for the humiliation your mother puts you through.”

So while I was shooting I exclaimed to Baby Bug, “Look! Now you have glasses just like Daddy!” I think she knows the word “Daddy” (it’s that telltale long “e”) and that made her beam from ear to ear which consequently shut Toby right up while he melted into a puddle of adoration. Whatever criticism he was going to offer about my impromptu photo shoot was gone with the wind. There is nothing like a baby who loves her Daddy. It just scares the grumpy right out of you.

Clear pictures without diffusion dither here for friends and family with flickr accounts. Email me if you want to see them and can’t.