Beach Bits,  Buddies,  Tis the Season

A Pic-a-nic

On Saturday we had a picnic on the beach with some friends. Picnics with friends are always a good idea. I’m mad at myself for not doing it more often. I guess when it comes to food preparation and guests I usually turn myself into a tizzy thinking there is no way possible I could pull such a thing off. But I can. And I can pull it off with pizazz as long as I get up early enough the morning of and make a quick trip to the grocery store for some gourmet goods. It’s amazing what a tub of pesto will do to an otherwise boring grilled chicken sandwich.

We had a fabulous time. It’s so fun to let the babies play together and compare notes on their different developments. It’s just plain fun to meet other parents and realize that we really aren’t trapped in the twilight zone after all. If left to our own devices, I think Toby and I would just live in a cave and never go out. But we did and I’m glad.

Next time though I vote for having a picnic in the park under the shade of a big leafy Alder tree because the beach was stinking hot!

Big news tomorrow: Baby Bug turns 6 months! (Must make movie) And I get a hair cut! Woooo Hoooooo! I haven’t gotten my hair cut since last September.


  • erika

    ooo, sexy french illustrator alias is about to come back ;) haha. you had a really cute haircut in that picture, can’t wait to see!

  • Steph

    Your beach picnic looks very nice!!! Love the big avacado slices!!! I hope sand didn’t get in there!! LOL

    We just got back from LA and it was HOT!!!!! WOW!!!!

  • saj

    The cancer sticks are Toby’s (of course). I didn’t mean them to be in the shot but I just snapped it quickly without much thought.

    Gimmy: Are you preggers!!!! FYI: Totally healed and already thinking I love this motherhood gig so much I might like another soon. I’ve already forgotten all the pain. It’s true.

  • Susie

    Hah! My daughter says “pic-a-nic” and my son thinks it’s hilarious.

    Looks like a fun day! Cute pics, as usual. Can’t wait to see Baby Bug’s 6-month movie.

  • Jennifer

    Happy Half Birthday Baby Bug! The picnic looks like a lot of fun. Something we always talk about doing over here but it gets put off. Sad.

    I’ve been going to lots of playdates and mommy get togethers recently. It’s like I can’t get enough of babies. Maybe because I know this is my last.

    Can’t wait to see the movie.

  • Jennifer

    OH, I forgot to say I love the pic of Toby looking so adoringly at his baby girl. Something special about the father/daugher bond…

  • Laura

    Looks like a lot of fun! I’m just curious about something.. what do you do to your photos? remove color? They have a weird quality to them and I’m curious why you do it? Should I be doing it too? AHHH scary internet world!

  • BeachMama

    Oooh, I posted yesterday, but it disappeared :(.

    Your picnic looks just wonderful, I was hoping you might post your recipe for that chicken. I love chicken and am always looking for new recipes to try to keep hubby eating it.

    Happy 6th month bday Baby Bug!!