Niece-com-poops,  the sticks

Guess where I am?

Even though I have my own darling little girl now, I still need a niece fix now and then.


  • mike

    Neices are cool. I recently checked out my cousin’s blog for the first time. Maybe you’d like it. She’s an exBrethren girl of about your age, who’s just had a baby, she likes to make fancy and crafty cards to sell, and she and her hubby have been living on a sailboat for a year now.

  • Gena

    I love my nieces! I just found out that my favorite niece is pregnant. It was the most excited news. She is 27, married to a wonderful man and thrilled about becoming a mom. After she told me about her great news, she told me that one of my other favorite nieces is ALSO pregnant. We are going to have the most beautiful new babies in the fall.

    AND I have four of my own children. 3 of which are girls. You will also need a niece fix, believe me.