• heavy on photos,  out out out of the house!,  photography,  travel,  working woman

    Corporate Jet-Setter Woman


    This is me coming up for air. I’ve been busy traveling and working and pretty much being that boring person that everyone hates because all they do is brag about how great their life is. I don’t want to be like that. But I will say that I am happy right now and very, very thankful.

    When I quit working ages ago to freelance, it was hard. It was twenty years ago. (!!) I didn’t thrive. I fumbled. A lot. I didn’t make a lot of money. Sometimes I did but most of the time I didn’t. I had to rely on men in my life to carry me, which I’ve always hated. I hate groveling for money. I hate asking for it. I hate taking it! The root of all evil is the LACK of money in my opinion and it has plagued me my entire life. My parents struggled. I’ve struggled.  I’ve always wanted to be successful on my own and most of the time I’ve been able to pull it off except for those times that I didn’t and those times were awful.

    So now that I am back in the corporate world after being out of it for so long, it feels really good to be taken seriously. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to get back here. It’s hard looking for work at fifty. I loved being a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom and I don’t think I would have done it any other way but I am really happy to be back at work. Now I just have to keep this job!  Eeeek!


    I can’t really talk about what I am working on but I can share that I traveled to Yountville last week to scout around and take pictures of the property. It was so much fun. I mean, there are a lot worse places to go to work.


    Even in the cold wintery rain, this place was beautiful. The sun came out one day and I was in heaven. Flowers! Blossoms! Estate kitties!


    You know me. I love exploring and taking pictures! It’s one of my favorite things to do!


    I walked that little town back and forth and back again. It’s really just one main street and very very small. Small, quaint, and beautiful!


    I explored the cemetary.


    I sampled all the fancy food. Matt came into town to explore with me. I can’t believe I got paid for this job that feels like a vacation.


    Will I ever get tired of this? I doubt it. Some of my coworkers seem a little tired of travel but I don’t see that happening to me.


    Then I come home and my cats clobber me with affection because they’ve missed me. Bug missed me too, which was really, really sweet. You know how teenagers usually are: Mothers are so annoying etc.. But when they aren’t around to do your laundry or cook and do the dishes, they suddenly become more appreciated. I like being appreciated.

    Not that Bug doesn’t appreciate me. We are closer than most mothers and daughters, I think. Here are some photos from a while back when we walked back bay together.


    Since I work so much I’m kind of a homebody when I’m home but Bug convinced me to get out and see the spring flowers in bloom.


    Even though it was cold, it was the best thing for my health. I haven’t been able to get my three-mile walks in as I used to and I really miss all the exercise I got from working at Ralphs. It’s going to be a challenge to get my regular workout routine back in.


    If you’re waffling on getting outside, do it. Just go outside, breathe that cold air, and take some pretty pictures. Spring is on its way and before you know it a super awful hot summer will be smacking us upside the head. I have a feeling it’s going to be worse than it’s ever been.


    So lets enjoy this while we have it!


    Next week I’m in Amsterdam! I’ll explain more later.

  • 15 minute posts,  place holder posts,  Slow News Day

    Not my most exciting update.


    What are the most boring things to talk about? Dreams. Getting sick and all its many ailments. And maybe trying to describe a TikTok or youtube video you saw? I know. Groan. So in the spirit of posterity, I’m just going to put up a really quick update here and keep it short, so I won’t bore you or my future reading self to death.

    I was sick last week. My second week on the job! I was so stressed about it because I also have an upcoming pre-planned overseas vacation that was in the works since last year and combined with being out sick, I was worried my new employer might think I am MIA. Getting sick was NOT in my plans. I didn’t want to force myself to go to work and cough all my germs all over everyone either. Such a dilemma. So I stayed home, main-lined emergen-C, slept as much as I could and forced myself to get better.


    lt worked! The sun came out. I felt a million times better and I went to work. I did work from home too so it’s not like I was completely MIA but it made me nervous. I’ve been out of corporate land for so long that I’m not up on all the protocols.


    That’s it. That’s all I got. Next week: I travel! Yay!